
Andrew Drummond


Kylie Minogue's 'ex' lawyer Rides In To Calm Phuket Fears – Followed byEarl of Warwick

Bangkok,  July 4 2012 He never took over the family seat – sold by his father to Madame Tussauds – but Guy Greville, the current Earl of Warwick started building luxury homes to beat all on the Thai holiday island of Phuket. In fact so amazing was his new scheme for people with the odd US$5-US$10 million to […]

Avoid This Penguin At All Costs! – Fishy Brits Use Phuket As ScamCentral

English ‘Gentlemen’ Sometimes Don’t Mind Robbing Old Ladies May 17 2012 They call him ‘The Penguin’.  Could it be because he has all the attributes of the fictitious villain in the ‘Batman’ comic – come- Hollywood hero series – a fiendish mind with a fishy smell about him?  At any rate if you come across this British charmer and […]

Children Padlocked In Well As Irish Father Is Robbed Of Six Houses In Phuket

‘We have been advised by the police to move location every three days’ FROM ANDREW DRUMMOND, SURAT THANI, THAILAND May 1st 2011 Two children of an Irish businessman were thrown into a well while his housekeeper working  with ‘organised criminals’ set about to defraud him of his mansion and six other houses on the Thai island […]