Keha condominium
‘IT’S A STEAL!’ A notorious American confidence trickster is at it again trying to off load former government subsidised housing to tourists to the raunchy Thai resort of Pattaya. Drew Walter Noyes, 61, from Wilmington, North Carolina, is trying to pass off a former National Housing Authority unit in the Keha Condominium. He claims the […]
Psst. Wanna Buy a Gentleman’s Club – Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink, Say No More (contd)
Buy now from the ‘most credible and reassuring person to make Thailand his home’. DREW NOYES SELLS UP Drew Noyes and Wanrapa Boonsu, the American-Thai couple convicted of extortion and jailed for two years in Pattaya, have put up their ‘nest egg’ businesses for sale while they await the result of their appeal due to be […]