Murder On The River Kwai
In September 2004 a Thai policeman Sergeant Somchai Wisetsingh gunned down and murdered Briton Adam Lloyd, 24, and then driving a Volvo chased and ran over his girlfriend Vanessa Arscott, 23, on a road running alongside the River Kwai in Kanchanaburi, Western Thailand.As she clung onto an electric pylon Sergeant Wisetsingh killed her execution-style with […]
Prisoners In A Human Zoo
Together with Sudarat Sereewat, the General Secretary of Thailand’s ‘Fight Against Child Exploitation Foundation’ Andrew Drummond investigated the plight of a group of Padaung, the long necked Burmese, part of the Karenni minority, who were tricked by Thai businessmen and made to perform in a ‘human zoo’ in Thaton, North Thailand. The Padaung had smuggled […]
Wanted Suckers! Its The Boiler Room Calling…And Other Scams
Michael Clarke The Thai capital of Bangkok has attractions for not only honest foreign businessmen but a wide range of scammers. The scams have continued over the years. Only the bait changes. One on end of the scale was the ‘film company executive’ who set up a company to make a ‘Hollywood block-buster’ and who […]

Tracking Down Gary Glitter – and Others
In November 2005 Andrew Drummond and photographer Andy Chant tracked down former glamour-rock icon Gary Glitter to a house in Vung Tau, Vietnam. As a direct result Glitter was later arrested as he tried to flee the country through the international airport at Ho Chi Minh city. He was later jailed for three years in […]
Pai Police Fabricated Evidence
NHRC wants DSI to take over Pai inquiry February 9, 2008 Top forensic doctor Pornthip Rojanasunand has rejected the police account of the shooting of two Canadians, one of whom was killed, in the northern town of Pai last month. Pornthip has been studying post mortems carried out both in Calgary, Canada and in Chiang Mai. She said […]
Prisoners In A Human Zoo. The Original Story
The Times Nov 22 1997Tourists are contributing to Thai slavery writes Andrew DrummondWOMEN from a remote Burmese hill tribe who are renowned for their long necks are being used as exhibits in a human zoo in Thailand, where they sought refuge after fleeing from Burma’s military junta.Three of the villagers, who have been found by […]