
Andrew Drummond


British Victims Of Sandakan Death March Finally Honoured

Daily MailBritish victims of Sandakan death marches finally honouredLast updated at 16:43pm on 17th August 2007More than 600 Britons who were brutally put to death by the Japanese in the former British North Borneo have finally been fully honoured.In the shadow of Mount Kinabalu, a memorial stone has been errected in an ‘English garden’ to […]

Why Did Your Police Kill My Granny Mr. Thaksin?”

A QUESTION FOR BILLIONAIRE EX-PM OF THAILANDWHY DID YOUR POLICE KILL MY LOVELY GRANNY?SUNDAY MIRROR INVESTIGATES: DISTRAUGHT FAMILY SEEK TRUTHBy Kate Mansey And Andrew DrummondAs he ploughs millions into Manchester City, new owner Thaksin Shinawatra is being hailed by fans as the latest foreign billionaire to bring his riches to British football.But back in his […]

How Paedophiles And A Corrupt Justice System

Daily Express, Saturday November 20th , 2005 IN MARCH this year a 60-year-old Briton rented a house at 38 Tran Phu Street in the southern Vietnamese city of Vung Tao. Hidden among the trees, the house was the perfect hideaway for someone who didn’t want his activities scrutinised by prying eyes. It was exactly what […]

I Hope Your Wife And Daughter Are Raped By Rastafarians'

A reader’s letter after Andrew Drummond’s investigations into neo-Nazis.

The Philosopher’s Wife –

HOW AN AMERICAN PROFESSOR PAID FOR A MURDER COVER-UP As far as murders go the death of  Natsaporn Yongyingpoon could hardly have been more brutal. The 23-yr-old farm girl from North Eastern Thailand was beaten relentlessly for four hours before the murderess executed. The coup de grace was a wok full of boiling oil. Yet when […]

True Lies – Exposing The Myths Behind A Massive Heroin Bust

When two young British girls Karyn Smith, 17, and Patricia Cahill, 18, were arrested in Bangkok shortly after the release of a film called ‘The Bangkok Hilton’ the British press were driven to a frenzy.  The innocent subject of the film ‘Bangkok Hilton’ was duped by her boyfriend into carry drugs. Cahill and Smith were […]

Reebok's Party Blooper

REEBOK’S PARTY BLOOPERWhat started out as a consumer survey for a British Sunday newspaper on the economics of making a Reebok shoe turned out into an international scandal for the multi-national company.Andrew Drummond had been commissioned to do a breakdown on the business from the factory floor to the retail outlet for the features pages of […]

Lord Archer's Bagman

As if often the case in British scandals it is not an indiscretion which brings down a government official or Member of Parliament but the lies told afterwards.Such was the case in a scandal involving Jeffrey Archer, Baron Archer of Weston-Super-Mare, and former deputy chairman of Britain’s Conservative Party. Archer had been accused by a British […]

Exposing The Nazi Right

Under a false identity for 18 months in the early 80s Andrew Drummond infiltrated the League of St. George, regarded as the ‘thinking man’s Nazi party’, and the umbrella for a wide range of different Nazi movements in Britain.He mixed both with intellectual Nazis and with their skinhead street-fighters and attended the annual bashes at […]

The Great Turkmenbashi

In February 2003 posing as a teacher Andrew Drummond entered Ashgabad the capital of Turkmenistan, a country out of bounds to journalists, and seldom visited by tourists. Within days he was up on the podium with Niyazoz ‘The Great Turkmenbashi’ as the ruthless dictator took his birthday salute.His report for ‘The Times’ highlighted the widespread […]