
Andrew Drummond

General News

Attention British Property Victims – Harlequin Class Action

Unite and Fight Plea A flying sporran notification September 6 2012 Lawyers in the United Kingdom representing victims of Harlequin – a company which has been building, or rather barely building properties around the world – are preparing a class action against the company. David Ames (left) While most of the victims are in Britain, […]

So The Little Fish DID kill the Frog Prince – The Supreme Court rulesin Bangkok

THE FROG PRINCE AND THE LITTLE FISH – The last Chapter Did ‘Little Fish’ kill the Frog Prince? The Supreme Court in Bangkok has now ruled she did 17 years after his death and sentenced her to 4 years in jail. Thailand, home of the world’s longest reigning monarch has been  gripped by a tale of […]

Death disco was operating beyond normal hours – but 'legal'

From Andrew Drummond, Bangkok August 17 2012 Daily Mail A fire in a discotheque on the Thai holiday island of Phuket in which four revelers were burned to death beyond recognition took place nearly two hours after the club should have been legally closed. Today as officials in Patong on the holiday island of Phuket […]

Thailand's Director of Innovation Was 'Criminal Forger' – court rules

But N.I.A Director Gets Suspended Sentence And Small Fine Bangkok August 12 2012 A Flying Sporran Court Briefing Thailand’s Director of Innovation Supachai Lorlowhakarn has been given a six month suspended prison sentence and a small fine on a charge of criminal forgery. Lorlowhakarn, who in June had his PhD degree revoked by Chulalongkorn University […]

Who is hiding the identity of Kirsty Jones’ killer?

ANDREW DRUMMOND BANGKOK – August 10 2012 (Here’s a link to a detailed piece by Pim Kimasingki of Chiang Mai City life who held the fort for me on the day Kirsty’s body was discovered and was of great assistance throughout) Welsh police and the mother of Kirsty Jones who was murdered on this day […]

Now Pattaya Publisher Rips Off Thai Government B.O.I. Promo!

Oh No! Its not that man again with another scam August 1 2012 (Update) BUT  THE FLYING SPORRAN GETS ACTION! Plus much more! Now Mr.Noyes fights back with threats, a gospel song, and unfettered accusations against a wide range of people Drew Noyes falls to temptation Controversial Pattaya ‘businessman’ Drew Noyes – publisher of the ‘Pattaya Times’ […]


FRIENDS FAIL TO SAVE BAR OWNER LABELLED ‘HUMAN TRAFFICKER’  From ANDREW DRUMMOND, Bangkok July 30 2012 ‘Jack’ Alty in his bar (FACEBOOK) A 57-year-old Scot has voluntarily deported himself from Thailand after being branded ‘a danger to society’. John Joseph Alty, from Glasgow, who ran a guest house called ‘The Squealing Pig’ in Hua Hin […]


In a statement printed in the Pattaya Times of July 16th-31st, which actually reached the streets in a few places about July 20th  Drew Noyes has stated that he, the publisher, and Wanrapa Boonsu the editor of the Pattaya Times had posted an apology to Andrew Drummond on the website on June 5th and left it there until […]

British M.P’s Son Arrested For Drugs in Laos – Warning

The young son of a British M.P. has been arrested in Laos for drugs related offences. The incident which has been suppressed by British newspapers should however be taken as a warning to visitors to the country. People should be particularly careful in the backpacker hot spot of Vang Vien. A spectacular holiday can turn into a […]

Want a visa to Thailand – BOYO?

  BRIT ON LIFE-THREATENING ASSAULT CHARGE SOLD DODGY VISAS Briton Sean Tinsley, who was recently arrested returning from Britain and charged in connection with the attack on English school teacher Adam Pickles in Pattaya, said today he would like to tell his side of the story.  But he said he needed time to clear up personal […]