
Andrew Drummond

Flying Sporran

US Charity Withdraws Charter For Its Thailand Branch – Outlook Pessimistic

 From ANDREW DRUMMOND, BANGKOKSeptember 21 2011  It is with deep regret that I have to announce  that the Optimist Club of Thailand, has deceased, kicked the bucket, gone to meet its maker, shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the choir, and is pushing up the daisies..etc..  Formed in 2008 by […]

Son Of London Deputy Mayor Dies After Full Moon Party

From ANDREW DRUMMONDBangkok, September 17 2011Koh Phangan Pictures: Philip BlenkinsopFor Mail on Sunday The 28-year-old son of the Deputy Major of London has collapsed and died in a £12 a night guest house after attending a wild ‘Full Moon Party’ on the Thai island of Koh Phangan.Police said here today that Andrew John Lister, 28, son […]

British Men Cannot Just Deport Their Probationary Thai Wives…….BUT

From ANDREW DRUMMOND,Bangkok,September 15 2010  A Thai woman who won her case against the British Border Agency after being deported at the request of her Scots husband is being thwarted in her efforts to bring the matter to the European Court of Human Rights.Kanokrat Booth, 42, says that despite winning her case against the British Border Agency, who […]

The Strange Tale of Drew Noyes And The Icelandic Welsh Scot

From ANDREW DRUMMOND, Bangkok September 11 2011 WARNING: If you have found this story by googling Drew Noyes – this will be in the middle of flattering but scarcely credible biographies of himself. Best just google ‘Drew Noyes’ together with ‘myriad lies’Drew Noyes the American ‘entrepreneur’ in Pattaya has hit back at revelations on this site that many, […]

Former RUC Policeman Denies Murder of Partner in Philippines Sex Trade

From ANDREW DRUMMOND in BangkokMonday, 5 September 2011 For Belfast TelegraphA former RUC officer has denied carrying out the murder of his sex trade business partner after the victim was found shot to death in bed with his Filipina lover. Northern Irishman David Balmer (54) was found dead in bed with 26-year-old Elma de Guia in […]

Bangkok Post – The Newspaper You Can Trust

Oh dear, is this a familar story or what? A few years down the line I publish a story in the UK about the activities of two characters in the sex trade down in Pattaya known as the ‘Gay MacMafia” . Later the Bangkok Post asked if I could re-write a piece for them which I […]

Diplomatic Fury over Dog-Pack Attack on Tourists On Thai Holiday Island

From ANDREW DRUMMOND, Bangkok, September 2nd ‘F-Off Tourist!’ – the latest attack reported now on PhuketwanBritish and Foreign diplomats in Thailand have asked the authorities on a Thai island to put an end to the extortion and ‘dog pack’ attack on tourists.In a showdown with the governor of Phuket island diplomatic officials from Britain, Australia, Austria, and Germany, the […]

Anguished Mother Believes Her Son Was Murdered In Pattaya

From ANDREW DRUMMONDBangkok, August 19 2011 Scottish Mail on Sunday A Scots mother who has been investigating the alleged drugs death of her son in an infamous Thai resort has broken her three year old silence to say she believes that he was murdered. Officials from the British Embassy in Bangkok have confirmed that they have […]

Pattaya Publisher Skips Father Christmas Libel Hearing For JudgesRoadshow

From ANDREW DRUMMOND, Bangkok August 26 2011 The publisher of the Pattaya Times, well known ‘American lawyer’ Drew Noyes, failed to attend a hearing in room 12 of Pattaya Provincial court this week, as he had to host a seminar on ‘Insight into the Criminal Proceedings for Foreigners in Thailand. Noyes, is facing a writ for […]

Farmer Joe loses water-tight 30-year lease in Thailand

From ANDREW DRUMMOND,Bangkok August 22 2011His children are in government care in Britain and his land has all but already been gobbled up by his Thai wife. Legendary turkey farmer Joe Stanyer, who used to supply Thailand’s best hotels with their Christmas bird, has now been told that the last patch of land he has […]