
Andrew Drummond

Drew Noyes


From ANDREW DRUMMONDBangkokFebruary 24 2012‘A Flying Sporran Enquiry’ American con-man Drew Noyes claimed he had a high security clearance to meet members of the Thai Royal family and a prestigious award from Thailand’s Queen Sirikit. He claimed he had a Thai police award for marksmanship, an award for completing sky-dive and parachute training, and also that special Queen […]

Geronimo Goes on Warpath – Hunts Scalp of Pattaya Publisher

WAR DRUMS BEAT ON THAI  EASTERN SEABOARD AS ANGRY BRAVE CANCELS POW WOW ANDREW DRUMMOND, BANGKOK  February 19 2012 A native American who invested a million baht in a Pattaya newspaper is on the warpath after all he got was a useless press card and a jacket.The Californian ‘Red Indian’, who has asked to be referred to simply as […]

The Most Reassuring American To Have Made Thailand His Home – The New Claims

  Bangkok Diary RESTRAINING ORDER, DIVORCE, LIBEL & CYBER BULLY WRIT FOR PATTAYA’S CHIEF ‘FOREIGN ADVISOR’ The Flying Sporran – February 12 2012  Off to the American Chamber of Commerce Installation Ball at the Grand Hyatt Erawan to see if I can get my own picture of Thailand’s greatest living American with U.S. Ambassador Kristie Kenney. But alas, Drew […]

American Visa Man Arrested On Child Rape Charge -UPDATED

American who exports Thai brides is alleged child rapist (2890 views clickometer re-set to zero on update  1.15 – 01-02-2012.From ANDREW DRUMMOND, BANGKOKJanuary 26 2012 The boss of what is Thailand’s biggest ‘visa’ company, specialising in getting Thai women into the United States has been seized for the rape of a 12-yr-old girl on and […]

Drew Noyes In Custody – updated

Noyes Bails Himself Out January 24 2011 Exclusive by Mangus EvansA seemingly unhappy Drew Noyes, publisher of the ‘Pattaya Times’ was placed in custody at Pattaya Criminal Court today after he pleaded not guilty to libeling a Thai-Dutch businessman and former colleague on the committee of the Pattaya City Expats Club.Mr. Noyes was placed in the cells below […]

Behind A Pattaya-Times Investigation Into – Er – COLD PRESSED OIL

Cold Pressed Oil – The Hard Facts Drew Noyes and ex-Thai wife Nittaya The Pattaya Times ‘newspaper, ‘ published by American Drew Noyes, runs under the slogan: ‘News you can use’ and professes it will not carry crime reports or any other stuff I guess which might put Pattaya in perspective. So this week I […]

Prisoner Of Boyztown Gets Sentence Drastically Cut – After His Release

Times are hard in Boyz Town – here’s one man glad to be out of it.  FROM ANDREW DRUMMOND,BANGKOK, JANUARY 15 2012 At the end of probably the worst case of injustice I have studied at length in Thailand Briton Kevin S. Quill has now learned from the British Embassy in Bangkok that his six year […]


The Premier of The Flying Sporran Golden Globe Awards Well, we were too late for our New Year’ Honours List but never too late to award those who have graced the pages of this website. So, since its inception in its new format we proudly announce the candidate list for this year’s ‘Flying Sporran Golden Globe Awards’.We […]

Face Off: Publisher Threatens To Run Another Out Of Town

WAR OVER PATTAYA 105 INTERVIEW Andrew Drummond December 21 2010 Pattaya 105 – The Big Show with Andrew Drummond Shucks. It seemed like Gettysburg all over again. From the north came Stuart Furstman, 63, a no-nonsense New York publisher, who let off a barrage of abuse at the Southerner he says has cheated him. Then […]

Libel Me At Your Peril – Warns Pattaya People Boss

A FLYING SPORRAN OVERVIEW (This replaces a story originally publish a week ago which developed a glitch) Updated December 18 2011 There’s an interesting buzz going on down in Pattaya. Niels Colov, that all round good guy has gone to press with a warning about what can happen to people who libel him and he […]