Drew Noyes Drew Walter Noyes
Andrew Drummond – Is it journalism or passion?
FALSELY JAILED BRIT WRITES IN PLUS “MY SLATE IS CLEAN’ SAYS CONVICTED EXTORTIONIST Flying Sporran’s Weekend Diary After a very hectic and stressing week I woke up this morning to receive the following letter in my mailbox. It was a letter from Jason (Jaysukh) Sudra, the British retail food manager who was illegally banged up […]
Nuclear sub commander? Global Property Magnate, Royal Marine Commando? Or Tupperware Salesman? Take your choice. Flying Sporran’s Midweek Diary October 4 2012 They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so you can imagine how delighted I was to see the birth of a new website called andrewdrummondbangkok.net. Obviously some financial wizard has bagged the […]