
Andrew Drummond

David Ames

Is Thailand’s Attorney-General Moving Against Dodgy Developers?

Emerald Palace Visited By Police – Sensation A controversial condominium project in Pattaya linked to a British company, which has taken billions of pounds for property projects, which have never been built, in the Caribbean and Thailand, was yesterday (Wednesday) visited by police and Pattaya Consumer Protection Officers. (Picture by CB) Emerald Palace on Pratamnak […]


It’s been a hell of a year and the judges have really been scratching their heads with the motley collection on offer for this year’s awards. There are of course some of the old contenders still there who unbelievably just keep popping up again and again. But there have been some delightful new arrivals on […]

Harlecon! Property Developers in Thai rip-offs face High Court – UK –

HARLEQUIN RAN ‘SYSTEMATIC FRAUD’ – CLAIMS THEIR ACCOUNTANT (Picture: David Ames) – A company run by a former bankrupt British double glazing salesman responsible for selling off plan developments on Thailand’s eastern seaboard is finally going to be grilled in the High Court in London over its activities. The boss of Harlequin, Essex businessman David […]


Nuclear sub commander? Global Property Magnate, Royal Marine Commando? Or Tupperware Salesman? Take your choice. Flying Sporran’s Midweek Diary October 4 2012 They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so you can imagine how delighted I was to see the birth of a new website called Obviously some financial wizard has bagged the […]

Attention British Property Victims – Harlequin Class Action

Unite and Fight Plea A flying sporran notification September 6 2012 Lawyers in the United Kingdom representing victims of Harlequin – a company which has been building, or rather barely building properties around the world – are preparing a class action against the company. David Ames (left) While most of the victims are in Britain, […]

Grumpy Old Men – The Good Life – And Financial Scammers

They’re irritable. They like a tipple. They don’t like fakes ruining their retirement playground. Could the mysterious ‘Grumpy Old Men Society’ in Phuket, Thailand, help put an end to charlatans on the island. Read On. Flying Sporran’s Bangkok Midweek Diary I am going slightly off my beat today to say hello to the fine residents of […]

Video Exclusive: CROSSING THE LINE – Rotary Club Men and Media Meddlers

A six year scam comes full circleCOMMENTApril 15 2012Six years ago the Pattaya People Media Corporation began heavily promoting Harlequin Property and Thailand Property and Media Exhibition Company Ltd.Now it has become clearly obvious that Harlequin run by Essex former double glazing salesman – turned bankrupt – David Ames, and taken over in Thailand by […]