
Andrew Drummond

Warning: Do Not Approach This Man

December 12 2011 A Flying Sporran Advisory Harris Black is bad news. A lot of people know that. In fact there is a website dedicated to his activities which seems to be added to with ominous regularity. This Canadian is one of these unstoppable conmen, blackmailers and fraudsters who now seems to have made Thailand […]

Boiler Room Threat To Flying Sporran – Take us off your website

BOILER ROOM CLOSES AFTER FLYING SPORRAN REPORT   Bangkok December 8 2011 – A Flying Sporran Enquiry BREAKING NEWSSince the  story below was publish early today Asia Green Technologies Ltd has gone into ‘dormancy’ but not for the reasons they state. Their announcements are at the end of this report.Link here – it won’t be up for long A […]

Bangkok Boiler Room Alert

A Flying Sporran EnquiryTuesday December 6 2011A boiler room exposed on this site last year has re-invented itself under different names in Bangkok, as they always do, so here is a warning for you chaps out there, who do not know what to do with your savings. Do not give any cash to Asian Green […]

I Went To The Expat Club For Advice – Now I Am Broke & Working In A Rice Paddy

 Briton Malcolm Leggett, 60, is working a rice paddy in Northern Thailand. He lost almost everything. But the cruelest cut of all came, he says, after he went to the President of the local Pattaya Expats Club for advice – A Flying Sporran Enquiry  BANGKOK MONDAY DECEMBER 5  2011 This is 60-yr-old Malcolm Leggett. He used to be […]

Child Sex Fiction Man Cannot Be Punished For His Thoughts

From ANDREW DRUMMOND,Bangkok, November 30 2011 By day he teaches youngsters at a school in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  But when he is off duty, people believe, he writes in to a website dedicated to stories of sexual abuse of children as young as 6-yrs-old. But this week the teacher, an elderly Briton, claimed his identity had been stolen, thus […]

Flying Sporran Attacked Before His First Investigation

Breaking News: Flying Sporran attacked – see below Starting this week investigations on this website will go out under the ‘Flying Sporran’ banner. Anyone who has travelled the road from Fort Augustus on Loch Ness in Invernessshire towards Auchterawe and the vitrified fort will know all too well the dangers of flying sporrans from the […]

Andrew Drummond on Pattaya Radio 105 FM

No need to go into any further details. You can listen to the interview, which lasts about 50 minutes.  Not much happens for the first five minutes though. That’s Tommy’s promos, which I did not hear, where he is inviting people to listen to find out whether I am a criminal, alcoholic,or failure. The only thing they appear […]

Philippines Senator Asked To Investigate Case of Filipinas Lured To The Pattaya Times

FROM ANDREW DRUMMOND,Bangkok, November 29 2011(Updated December 1 2011) A Philippines senator has been asked to look at the case of a young Filipina woman, who was enticed to work in the Thai beach resort of Pattaya by an American newspaper publisher, then forced to leave after she claimed she refused to become his mistress.Although the woman, […]

Russian Mafia – Speedboats – And An Outgoing Rotary Club President

From ANDREW DRUMMOND, Bangkok 28 November 2011 THAI COURTS COME LAST WHEN SEEKING JUSTICE IN THAILAND   The conversation was not muted at all but I guess we were out of earshot of most of the golfers practising their swings at Pattaya Driving Range.  One Asian golfer slicing a ball into the netting to his […]

Pattaya Briton Accused of Child Sex Abuse – Sues and Wins

FROM ANDREW DRUMMOND, BANGKOK NOVEMBER 23 2011 A 69-year-old Briton and regular on the Pattaya gay forums has won undisclosed damages from the SUN newspaper after they described him a ‘paedo’ when he was arrested in a joint CEOP-Thai Police operation in May 2009. George Stanley Gibbs was subsequently acquitted of all charges except immigration offences. At the time […]