
Andrew Drummond

‘What’s yer bevvy Jimmy? Black Coke?

‘Aw haud yer whisht –  an gie us yon bottle ae ‘Blaand’. If there’s one thing Scots can do its to distill a good whisky, and beer too if you like Belhaven’s.  But there has been a new development in my homeland which is causing me concern – and its going to be stacked on the shelves […]

Satellite Images Show Widespread Attacks on Rohingya

Today I am taking the unusual step of publishing a report by Human Rights Watch on what’s happening to the Rohingya in Burma (Myanmar) without any comment. I am very concerned. Genocide may be too harsh a term to use, or it it? But ASEAN is hardly raising a voice – nor apparently is Aung […]

Tragic Death Of A Remarkable Brit – Micro-light Plunged Into Sea

A remarkable Brit who received two major awards for ‘outstanding airmanship’ was killed when his micro light aircraft plunged into the Gulf of Thailand at the weekend. Tom Grieve, 57, died in the Pattaya Memorial Hospital from chest injuries after desperate attempts to revive him failed. A passenger in his micro light,  Patrick Esser, 31, from Dorset, received […]


Flying Sporran’s Weekend Diary Had a good day this week. It was visa day, not normally something I look forward to. But this was an especially cheerful day. Got down to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to pick up my letters of accreditation. The woman at reception was especially sweet and so was the woman […]

‘Golden Boy’ clue to foreigner found strapped to pole in Thai river

Police are trying to establish the identify of a foreign male whose body was found strapped to a pole in a river in North East Thailand. The body was dressed only in underpants and looked to be the subject of a ritual killing. The male in his 20s or 30s had a tattoo across his […]


TAKE THE HIGH ROAD IF YOU MEET THIS MAN ALONG THE WAY.  If you give him cash he might just say ‘I’m skint’- A Flying Sporran Property Report- This is David Alan McDonald. He is a property developer, and man about town in Hua Hin, Thailand, and has no money. At least that’s the stock answer […]

The Flying Sporran Soars – Record viewers this month

– BEST FOR NEWS – Just to keep everyone up to date. I am sure there is a way I can get the viewer count to show again. But in the meantime the good news is that this site is soaring. Soaring that is for a news investigation site which does not pretend to be […]


WHAT HAPPENED TO EXTORTION CASE? – ASK POLICE A planned scoop by Drew Noyes to discredit the ‘Flying Sporran’ backfired on him yesterday when he ended up facing criminal libel charges from a Thai national. Drew Noyes exclusive picture of Kanokrat and myself at Pattaya Police Station yesterday. Please share! He said. Happy to oblige […]

Thai Police Identify Dutch Rape Victim

IS THIS HER WALKING HAND IN HAND WITH HER RAPIST? Police in Krabi today issued a picture of the Dutch girl who reported that she was raped in Krabi last July which appears to show her walking hand in hand with her attacker. And they showed a further picture of the 19-year-old birthday girl, her […]

A Flying Sporran Sex Survey

‘IT PROBABLY CANNOT BE CONSIDERED RAPE BECAUSE THE WOMAN HAD DINNER WITH THE SUSPECT’ Is taking a Thai woman out to dinner essentially a request for sex and is that the expected conclusion? I put this question to a young Thai woman today and I am think I am right when she answered ‘Yes’. Now […]