Tennessee newspaper man Drew Noyes attacks Flying Sporran with ‘cannibal’, ‘serial killer’ and ‘mujahideen’

Flying Sporran drank with fellow journalist!
Hired lawyer accused by a ‘cannibal and serial killer’ who ‘stuffed and mounted six of his children’.
Hired lensman who magically shoots from kindle!
Flying Sporran’s Media Self-Watch October 9 2012.
A new website has appeared on the internet purporting to expose The Flying Sporran, his former Thai lawyer and a freelance photographer based in Bangkok.
Drew Noyes, 56, (right) founder of the Pattaya Times newspaper has put the blogspot site together with contributions from exposed and convicted conman Brian Goudie, Australian brothel owner David Hanks, American ‘NewStartGuy’ Jerry Weinerth, business advisor to the Pattaya Times and Dirty Dog, Eric Broder the rabid controller of Teakdoor.com a Thai based internet forum for foreigners.
Coincidentally all have been gloriously featured on this site, but this new work comes with sensational claims; some of them apparently from a cannibal’and ‘serial killer’.
The Flying Sporran is exposed in the blog by Noyes a ‘journalism graduate’ of Knoxville-Tennessee University and linked from the Pattaya Times newspaper
(a) for drinking in a pub in Bangkok with another journalist! (right)
(b)for having been convicted of libel (a case he won on appeal)
(c) presenting false credentials; and horror of horrors!
(d) for driving someone else’s car!
Above: David Hanks of Masquerades Brothel, Melbourne.
Thai lawyer is less seriously accused falsely of
(a) being involved in kidnapping,
(b) being involved in a passport racket,
(c) being involved in human trafficking and prostitution and
(d) being a close friend of The Flying Sporran.
But all these accusations, bar being a friend of TFS, come from a chap calling himself Haji Mohammed Ismail Sloan, a well-known member of the U.S.’s equivalent to the ‘Raving Loony Party’, whose main pastime appears to be chess, at which he is very good, and making wild kidnap accusations.
This year he announced he was going for U.S. Presidential Nomination on behalf of the Libertarian Party in the U.S. He was not nominated. He has spent quite some time (18 months) in jail for, er, attempted kidnap!
On this website he is described as a cannibal and serial killer and accused of stuffing and mounting six of his eight children. So Noyes, I guess, will not be calling him as a witness.
The photographer is exposed for:
(a) sitting in the back of his car (above) taking photographs with a kindle while reading, and also apparently while on a court order not to do so. Yes he was reading ‘Wuthering Heights’. I’ve tried and can confirm you can’t take a picture with his kindle yet.
Asked to comment ‘The Flying Sporran’ said:
“I’m shocked! deeply shocked! firstly that the photographer was caught reading his kindle on my time when he should have been firmly gripping a telephoto lens.
.(Right Dirty Dog – Eric Broder)
“Further when I read about my last lawyer being involved in kidnap, prostitution and passport fraud I was at first very impressed that I had found someone with such talents.
“So it came as a disappointment to me that all the allegations were made by the- Ismail Sloan – who has sued the U.S. Government, TWA, North West airlines, judges and Uncle Tom Cobley, but who nevertheless sounds jolly interesting.
“I understand my qualifications have been brought into question. They are of course impeccable, but what the hell, I haven’t been for a job interview in 25 years.
“It’s nice at last to see Noyes hide behind anonymity – although he leaves a trail, as did Goudie which can be followed on a ‘moonless night’.
In the meantime we are sending it to the Faculty of Journalism at Knoxville-Tennessee University so they can see the remarkable progress of their Alumni. They have a Tennessee Newspaper Hall of Fame, you never know, after all he must be the only graduate to have had a two page expose of his activities as a liar and a fraud printed in the Star in Wilmington, North Carolina.”
Postscripts:Brian Wright ,55, a close friend of Drew Noyes and godfather to one of his children was remanded on October 1st on bail to Pattaya Provincial Court after a hearing at the Bangkok Criminal Court where he is accused of child rape.
Brian Wright, picture below right, runs ‘My Thai Fiancée’ – which organises visas for Thai women to the United States.
Prior to arriving in Thailand a Mr. Brian Wright, then 39, of Block Island, Rhode Island CT., was arrested on a warrant in March 1996 charging him with first-degree sexual assault and risk of injury to a minor child aged 3 years old. He was freed on bail of US$15,000.
I hope they are not one and the same.
2 A case brought by the Royal Thai Police against Drew Noyes for criminal libel will go ahead, a police spokesman said in Bangrak, Bangkok. It is alleged Noyes faked an interview with the Head of the Crime Suppression Division in Bangkok.
3. Noyes is on bail in Pattaya for attempted extortion and also on bail for criminal libel in a case brought by Andre Machielsen due to start November 1st at Pattaya Provincial Court.
Legal Note: Link is here: Or from the Pattaya Times (partner paper of the Bangkok Post) If you go there be sure to come back and give me your thoughts. Has he now totally lost the plot.
Below- Drew’s anonymous posters
Contributors to his new site have been left off his credits but they are as follows:
David Goudie – goofed video of FS and Mel Roberts!
Hanks & Weinerth: Car pictures and pictures of photographer with kindle
Picture Right: Ismail Sloan shortly after his conversion
Drew Noyes: Court documents including press cardEric Broder: Allegations of faked credentials.
PS: You can also have fun reading about Sloan here and here and here where his claims of habeus corpus on yet another of his alleged kidnap victims are laid to rest in a United States court.
Cover Picture Top Left:Noor Mohammad Khan, master of the Afghani rebob, one of the
Renegades of Hasht Nagari and a mate of Ismail Sloan.
The Police Will Close Down These Websites Defaming Good People – Noyes again
The irrepresible Noyes issued the following statement while on some cool downtime in Pattaya yesterday. This may seem like Gound Hog Day.
addresses of posters
Date: 9 October 2012 19:44:48 GMT+08:00
To: Name removed
Please forward:
Thai police and courts crack down on foreigner led
media defaming and
libeling people in Thailand on the internet. Hate
Sites being closed.
Bad for Thailand.
The retired News of the World guy in Bangkok now
blogging on a
WordPress vanity blog is the first defendant to have criminal
against a foreigner in Thailand for this crime.
Needless to say the crackdown is in his own imagination. As stated above Noyes is being sued for inventing interviews in the Pattaya Times newspaper – a case brought by Thai Police. There is no retired News of the World guy in Bangkok to my knowledge. I can confirm I crossed the picket line at Wapping 26 years ago though.
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