This is a warning about a virtual company called Westrate Capital Management a boiler room operation which is currently targeting punters in Bangkok and possibly the world at the moment.
This company claims to be registered with FINRA -The Financial Industry Regulating Authority and SIPC the Securities Investor Protection Corporation . It is not.
They claim to have offices in Madison Avenue. New York, and the International Commerce Centre in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Don’t waste your journey. They have taken the name from a genuine but small company based in Illinois, USA owned by Aaron Westrate.
Currently they are touting a product Solarcity Corp. A little traded (so far) NASDAQ stock. But there are bigger companies with similar names.
But think of the money to be made installing solar panels in countries near the Equator – especially those which have been suffering a heat wave!
The oik on the other end of a VOIP call might sound convincing.
Tell him Andrew Drummond sends his regards and tell him that you know he is not in a full serviced skyscraper office but in a shared room in Onnut.