
Andrew Drummond


BLOWN! The Revenge Of The Falkirk Faker

Thailand’s arguably most famous Scotsman was ordered to surrender to bail by a court in the resort of Pattaya today to charges relating to revenge porn, defamation, and fraud.

#BrianGoudie, 48, Falkirk, known as Goldie when he was sentenced to six years jail in Australia for the theft of some AUS$400,000 from a Perth mining company, had failed to turn up, neither did his lawyers, to contest the charges.

The charges were brought by his former girlfriend and assistant Boonrod Baikratok who concluded her evidence and was re-examined by the judge. The case was adjourned until November 9th for Goudie, who has an episode ‘Brian Goldie – Scottish Swindler’ dedicated to him in the Asian Serial Swindler TV series, to pay bail and when a trial date will be set.

From Goudie’s pseudo legal site CasewatchAsia

Goudie is currently on court bail and undergoing trial for posing as a barrister and officer in the Royal Marines to cheat Barbara Fanelli Miller, 78, from Madison, Wisconsin, out of 7.8 million Thai baht.

A warrant issued in Scotland for his arrest for an alleged fraud on the Royal Bank of Scotland was withdrawn by the Procurator Fiscal while Goudie was in Australia.

Miss Baikratok alleged that she used to live with Brian Goudie but the relationship broke up. He had put her name down as managing director of a company formerly owned by Ulster drugs trafficker Jimmy ‘Doc’ Halliday, to avoid police charges.

Goudie had acquired the company Jimmi International by getting to sign over a Power of Attorney to him on his death bed. Halliday.

However when the premises owned by the company ‘The Jaggie Thistle’ pub and guest house (formerly The Blarney Stone) were raided by police and fined, she discovered he had made her responsible and she was taken to court, fined and given a suspended sentence.

While she was found not guilty of having liquor and music licences Goudie wrote on his blog that she was a common prostitute who was founf guilty of running illegal sex services.

The relationship became acrimonious and pictures and video of an intimate bedroom nature which she said could only have come from Goudie’s smart phone, were put up on the internet.

Goudie was charged with offences against ‘liberty and honour’ under the following criminal codes:

Criminal Code Section 310 310 bis, Criminal Code section 326,328,332. Criminal Code Amendment Act (No. 11) BE 2535, Section 3,4 (No. 13), BE 2537 Section 3 and Section 91, Computer Crime Act, Section 3, 14 (1).

The defamation charges relate to statements made on the internet.


Brian Goudie has brought a number of computer crime criminal defamation charges against the author  of this site – British journalist Andrew Drummond. These do not relate to any words written but photo-shopped pictures lampooning Mr.Goudie as among other things an officer in the Royal Marines and of course a barrister.

The author has not even bothered to answer the charges as they are SLAPP cases brought in Koh Samui, where neither Goudie or the author reside and are intended purely to impinge on the author’s time and deprive him of cash and the ability to work. 

The author is currently outside Thailand awaiting Goudie and another plaintiff Drew Walter Noyes, who is appealing a 2 year jail term for extortion, to be dealt with by the law on serious criminal charges, 

Noyes has also brought computer crime act charges, relating not to what Andrew Drummond has written but pictures which were photo shopped and submitted by a reader.


strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is alawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.

Goudie now starring at the Key Bar, formerly the Jaggie Thistle, formerly the Blarney Stone, but now on a four
day week perhaps due to all the breifs Goudie is preparing.

About the Author

Andrew Drummond

Andrew Drummond is a British independent journalist and occasional television documentary maker. He is a former Fleet Street, London, journalist having worked at the Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, News of the World, Observer and The Times.

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