
Andrew Drummond



A British predatory child abuser who was investigated by this website after being acquitted in Thailand of offences against young boys has been found guilty in Britain  and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Judge Denis Watson, QC told George Stanley Gibbs, 67, at Liverpool Crown Court: –

“Outwardly you could be charming, generous and sociable, yet beneath this facade there was and still is a much darker, sinister selfish and dangerous side to you. That is that you were and still are a manipulative, predatory paedophile.

“This was prolonged, repeated, predatory sexual conduct where you groomed and corrupted a number of young men by drink, drugs and force. 

“These were wicked offences which have resulted in life scarring experiences for all concerned. 

“Further I have read in the pre-sentence report that you now admit that you are guilty of most of the offences which you denied at trial. The only conclusion I can reach is that you regarded the trial as a game which you chose to play by the same grotesque selfish rules you have chosen for every other aspect of your life. 

“You give no thought to others about the consequences of what you decide to do. Your decision to allege conspiracy between victims and the police to lie and fit you up was wickedly cynical. 

“You have shown no remorse at all and I am entirely satisfied that you took selfish pleasure in witnesses retelling the sexual humiliation they suffered at your hands. There is it seems no limit to your wish to manipulate and control and to your selfishness.”


So cynical was Gibbs – who once forced a young boy to provide sexual services for him at the point of a gun – that he even made the Sun newspaper in the UK pay out £70,000 damages after he was acquitted by the Pattaya Provincial court. and he then went on to threaten the Serious Organised Crime Agency.

British journalist Andrew Drummond was suspicious of the verdict. Together with Sudarat Sereewat, General Secretary of FACE (Fight Against Child Exploitation) and a member of the National Anti Human Trafficking Committee, and under supervision of social workers he re-interviewed the principal victim and witness at Gibbs’ trial.

The witness, who cleaned tables at ‘Boyz Boyz Boyz’ in Pattaya, was convincing.

Drummond subsequently co-operated with officers of the Merseyside Police. The information was not necessary for the recent convictions. However the case against SOCA never went ahead.

Gibbs in Pattaya

Sick George Gibbs, 65, claimed to have connections with Liverpool’s music and football scenes and projected an outward appearance of being friendly and free with his cash.

But that was a front for his real personality: that of a dangerous, manipulative sex offender who wormed his way into the lives of teenaged boys and abused them in the most degrading circumstances.

Liverpool Crown Court heard how Gibbs raped two boys, one of them repeatedly, and seduced others after offering them a cocktail of drugs and booze.

One lad who refused his advances was forced to strip at gun point before Gibbs forced the terrified boy to perform disgusting sex acts. He then moved to Thailand where he had easy access to young boys.

Gibbs, who was convicted of gross indecency in the 1970s, was found guilty of 26 offences including indecent assault and buggery, which would have been charged as rape today, at a trial which lasted five weeks

Throughout the hearing Gibbs, of Kremlin Drive, Tuebrook, insisted he had been set up a conspiracy between the police and his victims and forced them each to relive their childhood nightmares as they gave evidence.

But in a probation service interview he finally admitted he had committed virtually all the crimes he had been accused of.

From UK Press Gazette

The court heard moving statements from his victims, all of whom come from the Bournemouth area where Gibbs was living at the time.

All spoke of their lifelong guilt and shame while one said he still suffered night terrors in which Gibbs featured.

One of the men, said: “You preached trust, loyalty and respect but your real interest was in sordid, selfish, self-gratification.”

Many of his victims said they had not been able to bring themselves to tell even their wives or parents about what happened to them in the 1980s and 1990s and had buried their experiences deep down.

Judge Denis Watson, QC, jailed Gibbs for life, telling him he must serve eleven and a half years less time spent on remand before he could even be considered for parole.

He said: “Outwardly you could be charming, generous and sociable, yet beneath this facade there was and still is a much darker, sinister selfish and dangerous side to you. That is that you were and still are a manipulative, predatory paedophile. This was prolonged, repeated, predatory sexual conduct where you groomed and corrupted a number of young men by drink, drugs and force. These were wicked offences which have resulted in life scarring experiences for all concerned.

“Further I have read in the pre-sentence report that you now admit that you are guilty of most of the offences which you denied at trial. The only conclusion I can reach is that you regarded the trial as a game which you chose to play by the same grotesque selfish rules you have chosen for every other aspect of your life.

“You give no thought to others about the consequences of what you decide to do. Your decision to allege conspiracy between victims and the police to lie and fit you up was wickedly cynical

“You have shown no remorse at all and I am entirely satisfied that you took selfish pleasure in witnesses retelling the sexual humiliation they suffered at your hands. There is it seems no limit to your wish to manipulate and control and to your selfishness.”

Detective Chief Inspector Chris Sephton, said: “George Gibbs will today be starting a long prison sentence after being found guilty of multiple historic sexual offences against young men over a number of years.

“In my opinion George Gibbs is a dangerous individual who poses a risk to children both on Merseyside and across the country.

“The victims who have come forward have shown immense bravery in doing so. It must have been extremely difficult to re-live the abuse they suffered at the hands of Gibbs but I can only hope that the sentence Gibbs has received today gives them some sense of closure.

“I would like to reassure anyone who has been a victim of sexual abuse that any complaint will be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated by officers and you will be supported every step of the way.

The Sun can now apologise for apologising

“Today’s sentence is the conclusion of a long and difficult investigation carried out by officers and supported by our partners in the Crown Prosecution Service and I would like to thank our officers’ dedication and commitment in this case.”



Pattaya Brit acquitted of child sex abuse sues the SUN

About the Author

Andrew Drummond

Andrew Drummond is a British independent journalist and occasional television documentary maker. He is a former Fleet Street, London, journalist having worked at the Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, News of the World, Observer and The Times.

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