
Andrew Drummond


Brian Goudie, the Scots convict who surfaced in Thailand about ten years ago re-inventing himself as a British barrister and former officer in the Royal Marines, has now a new title. He is apparently head of Paedophile Watch Asia.

This comes presumably from his former internet role as boss of the website ‘Case-Watch-Asia’ where he gave the public the benefit of his wisdom – normally attempting to defend accusations against him – or indeed attacking his accusers.

He carries a fictitious comment from the fictitious Paedophile Watch Asia on the ‘Liveleaks’ website.

The target of his latest hate campaign is again Ian Tracey, from Surrey, England, a prison visitor at Nong Plalai prison on Thailand’s eastern seaboard – who once directed clients in the prison to Goudie believing he was actually a real barrister at law and Scottish advocate.

Now the Paedophile Watch Asia is apparently confirming Tracey’s guilt.

Tracey was the man who tipped off American Barbara Fanelli Miller that Goudie was ripping her off but it did not stop her handing over the best part of US$300,000 to former convict E0000274 Brian Goldie (his name at birth) to get her son Greg Miller, an international school teacher, off child sex abuse charges.

Tracey unfortunately before this had employed Goudie to lodge a case of wrongful arrest against the Thai police. He himself had been acquitted of a child sex abuse charge  in a case which had all the indications of a complete set up.

He had been somewhat vociferous about police setting up foreigners on false charges, from his experiences talking to prisoners in Nong Plalai.

Tracey was one of six foreigners all acquitted, who were the victims of an apparent rogue police operation. Police had arrested six young boys for drugs possession and told them they should each identify a foreign paedophile or they would go to jail for a long time.

Ninthawat Chaemchan named a Mr. John Tracey. However when it came to giving testimony he categorically denied that Ian Tracey was the man who allegedly orally sexually abused him claiming police had made threats against him. There were a serious other prosecution discrepancies. Ian Tracey, who has a Thai girlfriend,  was not even in Pattaya at the time.

Said Tracey: ‘After I was acquitted the prosecutor shook my hand. He said he was glad I was acquitted. He did not believe I was guilty’.

What Goudie discovered  after accepting the brief for Tracey was that the prosecution office in Chonburi (not the actual prosecutor) had filed an appeal.  His acquittal had been reversed by the appeal court but neither Tracey nor his lawyer were informed – even though the prosecution office was directed and ordered to notify them at specific addresses in that event.

Goudie’s fake business card

It now appears there may be at least six other cases of foreigners who have been found guilty on appeal but have not been notified about those appeals. In several cases the foreigners have left Thailand. The matter has been referred to the Ministry of Justice in Bangkok.

Goudie suggested that Tracey live on his premises at the Jaggy Thistle while the issue was sorted.

But instead of taking his client to the court, to lodge a strong protest and seek bail, Goudie, it is now known himself called the police on his client – and let him rot in Nong Plalai for eight months, all the while pretending he was taking action to get his release.

When Tracey called on the services of his original ‘real’ law firm ‘Kosol and Associates’ the Supreme Court acted quickly.  He was immediately released on bail on the grounds that the conviction was ‘unsafe’ –  The appeal should not have gone ahead without the defendant knowing.

Goudie has claimed that he was giving the cash he obtained from Barbara Fanelli Miller to abused boys in Pattaya. This is unlikely. Unless he hands back the cash on July 3rd, or the premises of the Jaggie Thistle bar in Pattaya (which is registered in his company names) he will be sentenced for fraud.

A statement is expected to be made early next week with regard to Goudie’s allegations. Goudie has also alleged on his site CasewatchAsia that Tracey is being investigated for inclusion on the UK Paedophile Register.  This is of course fantasy.  A British court would have to decide that.

Meanwhile he has also asked the Press Complaints Commission to rule that a story on Tracey’s release was in breach of the Editor’s Code of Conduct on the grounds it was misleading suggesting Tracey was innocent. The complaint is unlikely to go anywhere.

*There is no such organisation as Paedophile Watch Asia


About the Author

Andrew Drummond

Andrew Drummond is a British independent journalist and occasional television documentary maker. He is a former Fleet Street, London, journalist having worked at the Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, News of the World, Observer and The Times.

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