
Andrew Drummond



The Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand unfortunately has had to cancel its evening with Colonel Werachon the Army spokesman tomorrow night – But fear not! A star reporter is on the scene and he is bringing us some dramatic coverage as events unfold in Thailand.

Apparently dodging bullets this highly decorated -(well he is if you read his biography) American has been in the thick of it in Bangkok and willing to challenge the army head on.

In an exclusive, this hot Knoxville educated ‘journalist’, who has been signing himself on the net as a member of the FCCT , has broken a story which the combined talents of the Bangkok press corps have missed.
He has found gunshots and bloodshed where nobody else thought of looking.
 He give us this headline dated May 23rd 2014 above a lifted picture of a red-shirt gathering.
Wow I missed that event, well not a similar one a few years ago,  then again I am not searching ‘divorce in thailand’. every day for my Coup news.
But this intrepid hack leaves then no stone unturned. 
He surfaces in Bangkok for a selfie next to a soldier at Ekamai bus station (cover picture) and informs us he will keep us up to date with events as they take place, as he follows the news on ‘Line’ – By this time though he has forgotten about his earlier headline – but he still tells people to stay in Pattaya.
But perhaps the best exclusive of all is when he announces that the coup leaders have cut taxes for foreigners.
Yes, you have guessed. Of course when I said ‘Star’ reporter, I of course meant #DrewNoyes a man who was exposed in the Morning Star newspaper in North Carolina as a man of myriad lies, (Pages 1 and 3) who faced accusations of property and share fraud, sexual harassment and producing a completely bogus résumé of his career, long before he came to Thailand.
According to Noyes Thailand’s new military government will be giving great tax cuts to foreigners who own land or houses (illegally presumably) in Thai company names.

Its a tax bonanza! He seems to have jumped the gun on this announcement though. The military government’s first priority is to pay off the rice farmers a matter of a few billion dollars.

Personally though I would be quite scared now if I owned a house in a shell company Drew Noyes had provided.

But wait – there is another coup bonus he announces: CNN, he says, has announced that the military coup will be good for business!
So all you investors in Thailand put your money down now and consult:
One Stop Service Center. a rip off of the government One-Stop-One-Start Centre, has replaced his PAPPA Co.Ltd., which incidentally will not benefit much from the tax cuts. It has taken full benefits already not having paid tax for the last four years.
Drew Walter Noyes says he is reporting from the frontline, with Sifu McInnes and five others according to his Facebook page. Sifu McInnes ia a controversial New Zealander and former head apparently of the Pattaya Swat Team.
This is the team which was filmed on ‘Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand’ conducting a chase through the streets of Pattaya firing out of their yellow ‘Humvee’.  I think he was told later to scale down his operation. No wonder Thailand’s Public Relations Department and Film Office had kittens.
Sifu Mcinnes with guns and his Humvee : Pic: PDN
If that is true, boy is Mr. Noyes in good company breaking the usual rule ‘What happens in Pattaya stays in Pattaya’.
Noyes has himself pictured on Facebook claiming friendship with the highest of the high in Thailand. And in the Pattaya Times an attempt at a newspaper which folded two years ago he still carries this headline!
“I am an editor with a newspaper. You are just a common journalist,” he told a member of the FCCT not so long ago*.  He also claimed in a written statement that he tried to circulate that the same FCCT journalist wrote that his wife was providing oral sex services to foreigners in Pattaya – though we have yet to find that story.

Despite his claim to be a member of the FCCT and an expert on defamation law his application to the club was rejected. This had nothing to the oral sex services which I should point out his wife did not provide. She has moved out.

Drew Noyes’ personal experience entails mainly losing libel cases.
Warning:  Followers of Drew Noyes tweets, Facebook entries, and stuff on his sites – such as divorceinthailand should be cautious. He may be trying to drive business to his site.

Mr. Noyes is currently on trial for alleged extortion in Pattaya. He is also being sued by a Dutchman for 2.5 million he says Noyes and his wife pocketed.
Drew Noyes reporting under-cover in Pattaya. He claims he was trying to safeguard Pattaya from dodgy businesses
when he allegedly demanded one business owner cough first 7 million, then reduced to 2.3 million baht

#DrewNoyes will be able to save on his florist bill. The commander of Pattaya Police for whom he has been saving his best bouquets departed in a hurry a few days ago before the Navy called.

Apparently the man whom he says was going to put an end to corruption was wanted for…well I don’t know.

Footnote: Drew Noyes’  AskThailandPolice website in which he encourages foreigners to report foreign crime to him has now expired.

Meanwhile Mr. Noyes has announced: “We will be holding a seminar with the Royal Thai Army in a month…. The seminar has nothing to do with the soldier at the bus station. haha”.

*me actually
About the Author

Andrew Drummond

Andrew Drummond is a British independent journalist and occasional television documentary maker. He is a former Fleet Street, London, journalist having worked at the Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, News of the World, Observer and The Times.

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