
Andrew Drummond


As expected the Mail on Sunday and MailOnline have come in from some stick from the family of Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, the skipper of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370.

Mailonline had published a couple of stories, the first said that Captain Zaharie was a political fanatic who was upset that Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia’s opposition leader had been sent to jail and the second report, not bylined, went further along the same theme.

This time the newspaper quoted a “source close to the pilot’s family” saying that the pilot of the missing flight was in emotional turmoil over the break-up of his marriage.

The second report also published on a Sunday alleged that Zaharie’s wife, Faizah Khanum Mustafa Khan ‘told investigators that Zaharie had stopped speaking to her in the weeks before the flight on March 8, and spent time alone in his room with his flight simulator.’

The Mail on Sunday quoted Aishah as saying that she barely recognised the man who used to dote on her.

“He wasn’t the father I knew. He seemed disturbed and lost in a world of his own,” she is quoted to have said.

I can only hope the journalist has a digital recording of this conversation because, although it is still up in the air what happened to flight MH370, given the total scrutiny this story is getting from millions of people on the net this would not be a time to ham anything up, if ever there was one.

Aishah who studied at Deakin University, Geelong, had this to say on Facebook.

Quote from the Holy Quran 

ۚ والفتنة أشد من القتل ۚ

And Al-Fitnah is worse than killing 

Dear Dailymail,

You should consider making movies since you are so good at making up stories and scripts out of thin air. 

May god have mercy on your souls. You can bet your ass I will not forgive you.

Al Fitnah is worse than killing roughly means what you (disbelievers) are committing is much worse than killing.

Of course this won’t be the first time the Mail has been described as something close to the devil incarnate. I’m sort of glad that I did not get my formal exit clearance from the Immigration authorities here until a week after MH370 went missing.

I spent a lot of time in Malaysia in the 80’s when the government were hanging British and Australian drugs couriers and defending their god given right to do so.  One of them Derrick Gregory I made a television documentary on. He had never been abroad before and had spent his childhood in schools for ‘special needs’ kids. He had also suffered serious brain damage – He had the mind of a child and had a conviction for attempting to drive a train away from Charing Cross station.

This was of course mentioned in the British press. I remember the hanging judge being very contemptuous of the British press – Malaysia was going though one of its anti-British phrases and the Prime Minister Mahathir despised the Sunday Times over allegations it had made against him – but I do not think the British press can be blamed for Derrick’s execution.

Now a lot of people are unhappy with Malaysia which acts as if it is a fully developed democracy but falls far short of the mark.

That’s what pissed of Captain Zaharie I suspect – but perhaps not enough to commit suicide over otherwise people in Bangkok would be falling off skyscrapers like lemmings.

About the Author

Andrew Drummond

Andrew Drummond is a British independent journalist and occasional television documentary maker. He is a former Fleet Street, London, journalist having worked at the Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, News of the World, Observer and The Times.

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