
Andrew Drummond


I have lifted the followed in its entirety from Chiang Mai City News. I don’t know why, but I just loved it. I do not necessarily agree with it all. I am afraid there are a few four letter words in it and the author may not totally have caught the demographic of a foreign red shirt supporter – apart from those up country.

But it had me laughing watching as I do all the experts sounding off on the social media.

It was posted to City News I guess after my old friend James wrote verbose tome on the current political situation. ENJOY and if the real author objects, please contact me. I have added a category on the end.

so F&#@ing Bored of your Political Prattle

Jan 14, 2014

It’s coup time again in Thailand, a time when foreign
political experts come creeping out of the woodwork with their nailed on,
matter-of-fact, incontestable political opinions that have been formed over ten
plus dull years reading mostly either one of two propagandist newspapers.

 Jesus said to his disciples, “stick to what you’re good

While the odd tourist – the kind that gets done over by
wandering Indian fortune tellers – gets caught up in rallies and subjected to
wearing colour-coded uniforms, it’s mostly expats that are to blame for
pretending either a) to care or b) to know something valuable.

What the placard
holding foreigner (about as conceivable as an Alsatian smoking a cigarette)
doesn’t know is that the struggle is intractable (do you really think equality
is possible in a country where you can get away with murder for cold hard

And what’s mildly frustrating is the fact that these passionate souls
talk about reform and progress in a country they’ve come to milk, and one that
they’d immediately leave in flames if things got really bad. Yes, they’d be on
a plane drinking Vodka miniatures while watching SkyPlus before you could say
not another fucking massacre.

 It’s having to listen to people’s opinions that is the worst
part, it’s worse than the actual protests which, to be honest, are far less
offensive than online arrogance.

To save us all time, and in view of the harm
caused by our mutual differences, I’ve come up with a device called the Thai
Political Personality Types. Each ones comes with an easy to remember

This should save us all lots of time disagreeing endlessly
online. We take a trait and stick with it, for example I’m a WANKER, and that’s
that, end of discussion. Now we can watch Bangkok burn.

 Choose your Types:

The Merciless Arrogant Democrat (MADs) 

 MADs despise Thaksin politics and refuse to see any benefit
from this side of the political divide. They can’t seem to grasp that even
though populism might be self-serving, there’s a reason it’s popular. Some of
them are of course closet SODs, and they just fear personal loss.

Others are
educated, but can’t see through a fairytale future with ‘good’ people ruling
Thailand. In fact, in the vein of conspiracy theorists, some of them actually
believe Thaksin to be a part of a western round table coalition that is intent
on taking over the world. Thaksin is fundamentally evil, and no matter what his
sister does it will be a part of this evil. There’s nothing more to say, this
shit is biblical, and that man with squinty eyes is the devil incarnate.

will drag Thailand to hell. Suthep, on the other hand, might have a history of
violence, but, well, er, hmm…he’s better than fucking Thaksin, OK!@!!

The Supercilious Opportunist Democrat (SODs)

 SODs harbour a modicum of respect for Thaksinomics, they
just wish they had gotten there first. They can’t stand the fact that those
lo-so scrubbers might be getting something out of life other than a free potato
digging trowel with every truck they will be paying off until they die in huge
debt that might or might not be paid by a drug addicted son who also dreams of
a truck.

Their main fear is that their entitled comfort and even the weak
veneer of their bought and paid for education might be under threat as there
obviously isn’t enough fois gras to go around in Thailand… and anyway, if
people were equal then who the fuck would they have to look down on? Of course
they’d never say this is public, they probably support Oxfam and send money to
the Mandela appeal.

Dysfunctional Irate Cheerleaders (DICs)

 DICs are mostly old men that got married to young women and
moved out to the country to die while relatives like swarms of locust crowd the
new cash crop.

They speak some Thai and probably work in schools that will
employ them until they die of a heart attack brought on by a diet of beer Chang
and Lays.

They can see no wrong in Yingluck or the Democrats, and occasionally
wear red or yellow shirts and stand around at protest sites.

Who they support
is largely a consequence of who their hired wife tells them to support, or
where they’ve ended up living.

They are too old to be properly critical and so
relieve themselves with being only cynical, and so unwisely they become martyrs
to the cause. 

They’re nearly always from
England or Australia, and they are never happy out there in the country or
Bangkok soi 165, alienated in their little town where much of their time is
spent watching British soaps on UKTV or writing nasty things on Thavisa.

has proved one thing for these people: it doesn’t matter where they go, no one
will like them. That must suck. One thing they are sure about though, in spite
of never reading anything bigger than a Flight of the Gibbon pamphlet, is that
they are right.

The Tedious when around Teashops (TWATs) 

 These educated people, TWATs, have read a lot about Thai
politics. In fact they are fluent in Thai language, culture, politics, history,
mythology, religions.

It’s a pity then that they’ve never actually spent much
time with a Thai person. Most of them support democracy but not Thaksin, nor do
they much like that scoundrel Suthep. The only problem with them is they talk
about narrative shifts and demystification a little too vaguely, which is good
for no no one but themselves.

They are actually of little practical use.
They’ve never really enjoyed the countryside, it stinks and all that drinking
is rather abject. They are, nonetheless, very clever.

They talk about Marx as
if he were a tap you could turn on. They often talk about hidden hands and
might even mention something about anti-Communist fervor in the 60/70s and how
it affected the teashops they like to frequent. These people are all talk, and
are loathe to admit that they are in Thailand because they think the women, or
men, are hot.

Tourists in Town (TITs)

 TITs can’t really be blamed for knowing nothing at all about
politics. TITs think Suthep is a road with a famous temple on it and some dodgy
Chinese restaurants, and that a Shinawatra is some kind of sandwich you can get
when you’re doing the Middle East.

These people might ask you at any given
point in the conversation what the Thai political crisis is all about, which
might be an annoying question if you’re a TWAT, but if you are any of the
previous types you shouldn’t have a problem simplifying the utterly complex and
baking it in your own biased rhetoric.

Tits should be avoided if you’re not
keen on drinking from buckets or fighting over a soi dog. The consolation is
that TITs will always be gone soon enough. If they stay then they will quickly
mutate into another type. 

Writers are Never Kidding except Reviling Suthep (WANKERs)

 WANKERS are mainly journalists working in Thailand because
the weather is nice. They seem to know a lot about Thailand and Thai politics,
sometimes they like to make you feel they know something that they can’t tell
you but will tell you anyway after a beer.

They frequently quote Andrew
McGregor Marshal and Thongchai whatshisname, and regularly get together on
Facebook for long masturbatory exercises in agreeing with each other. Many of
them are one step away from alcoholism having had to read about all the horror
that takes place in a country where justice is just a word and the police make
Jason from Friday the 13th seem amicable.

They are mostly a self-indulgent lot
that like the fact they know more than everyone else – they look down on anyone
that supports any side, and always say they are in the middle somewhere,
although it’s obvious they pretty much hold Yingluck in their tainted hearts.

Why? Because they have this thing about the elite, they hate the elite, they
are elitist where the elites are concerned…unless of course they are called
Michael Yon, then it’s likely they are being paid to write shit…by the elite.
WANKERs are probably too sensitive to be in Thailand and should probably get
out before they put a bullet in their over-burdened brains. They are very
serious when they write about the conflict, but like nothing more than to post
a doctored face of Suthep with a Hitler moustache.

Cool Underneath Nasty Trickery (CUNTs) 

 These people known as CUNTs tend to be very hard to locate.
One minute they are screaming for Yingluck to be kicked out of Thailand, and
the next minute they are talking about exposing the corruption of the old elite

CUNTs are leeches, chameleonic leeches, and they somehow manage to
stay in the country for many years having never really worked and remaining
undetected. CUNTs pretend to care, and they are excellent at what they do.

know how to butter up SODs and DICs, and are equally, if not psychopathically,
good at spinning big words around with TWATS. These people are more common than
you realize, you just don’t know it. CUNTs can be found in every bar and
restaurant, every gym, editorial office, school classroom, and every expat meeting…
and even protest march.

They couldn’t give a shit if Bangkok shuts down,
because they will take advantage of it, if it means writing a story or selling
someone a t-shirt with a burning mall on the front. One mistake many people
make is to think CUNTs are harmless…well, think again, next time you’re reading
about ‘conflict’ in your reliable news source, or watching some ‘expert’ wax
neutral on TV, remember he might just be a CUNT.


 The People’s Liberation Organisation Disenfranchised Defenders of Suffrage (PLODDS)

These guys and girls may have been on a British ‘Fly on the Wall’ documentary called, ‘Where does your food come from?’. They have seen chickens slaughtered at CP factories, tried to make a prawn farm, and have gone to work in the paddy fields of Isaan with people they regard as the salt of the earth. 

While in the paddy fields – to drive the message home as to how people live – they are paid just 70 baht a day for their labour and are expected to pay out of that, their food and accommodation. 

The locals of course have seen them coming. The farmer does not pay some of them anything at all, because their work is not up to scratch and he says they have done more harm than good. 

And the locals are charging them five times the rate for a room above a pigsty and food prices for them have gone through the roof – so ten of them have to share a packet of dried seaweed for dinner.  

This causes several of the women among them to burst into tears at the lot of people in the Third World the most attractive of which gets a BBC documentary programme all to herself  and can be seeing crying all around the world. 

The men return as revolutionaries as in the Tooting Popular Front and they put on head bands carry batons and shout thing’s like: ‘We are going to burn down Central World and loot the lot. Death to the fascists”. 

The Scots ones shout ‘Freedom!’

 Many go on to marry farmers’ daughters who not only manage to drain their bank accounts but also the accounts of their middle class parents back home.

Now, which one are you?

About the Author

Andrew Drummond

Andrew Drummond is a British independent journalist and occasional television documentary maker. He is a former Fleet Street, London, journalist having worked at the Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, News of the World, Observer and The Times.

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