
Andrew Drummond

Throwing and ducking smart phones phoney lawyer Brian Goudie is keeping head down for other reasons-

(Pic Walter Douglas but he will have changed a lot since
this Amsterdam picture)


Plus: Will Drew Noyes and Brian Goudie now be denounced in Britain?

Flying Sporran’s Midweek Diary

There is a Clydeside expression which goes ‘Y’aff a yat? What yat y’aff’. Which translates roughly as ‘Prey tell me have you just disembarked from a yacht? Which yacht was it sir?’

Recently, after returning to Pattaya from Koh Samui, Goudie was asked ‘Y’aff a bas?’ Whit bas y’aff?’

Much more accustomed to flying business class Goudie, formerly Australian convict Brian Goldie, is now travelling to and from Koh Samui with his latest squeeze, Neung, a former dancer at Mistys a-go-go in Pattaya, by road. Nor is he driving himself anymore. The cars have been sold.

It’s not that he cannot afford the flight. It’s more a matter of personal security. He has failed to turn up now for several court cases, and he may face a whole lot more if the Pattaya Provincial Court are satisfied that he falsely posed as a lawyer to obtain business.  In fact all his clients can sue. A warrant has allegedly issued in connection with licencing charges for the ‘Jaggy Thistle’. That comes on top of a case for defrauding an American woman Barbara Fanelli Miller out of US$300,000 by promising to get her son, Greg Miller, who was arrested on child sexual abuse charges out of bail and back to the USA.  Best to liquidise as many assets as possible and turn them into hard cash and he does not want to surrender his passport to any court.

He can easily be tracked by flight bookings.  But he is more concerned about being cornered by Scotland’s  Walter ‘Whacky’ Douglas, known in Koh Samui as ‘Bobby’, who apparently travels about with two East European bodyguards.

‘Whacky’ has found Thailand a nice and peaceful place to settle. He reportedly lives in a pool villa in Bangrak on Koh Samui all work permitted up apparently.

Goudie has claimed that he has given ‘Whacky’ safe haven in Thailand through a police general friend. Not so. ‘Whacky’ is more than capable of doing such himself.

The leaking of information about ‘Whacky’ has understandably given Goudie the runs. ‘Whacky’ or ‘The Tartan Pimpernel’  is understandably not a happy bunny.   He does not need sign posting.

He has been named as doing all sorts of deeds on Wikipedia, but it seems every time he goes to court he is acquitted.

He would be alarmed to hear Goudie’s latest story about him and his bodyguards dining out at Bruno’s Restaurant in Pattaya, where they ordered the most expensive wines and ALL the desserts

Despite the massive amounts of money Goudie has had transferred to his HSBC Ramidin Holding Co. Ltd, account in Hong Kong it still seems he is pining for more. Hence this picture on his web page of him drooling (should that be drewling?) over piles of cash.

He is also using his Facebook Brian Boru account to join with Drew Noyes in an attempt discredit his nemesis journalist Andrew Drummond by questioning Drummond’s award for investigations into racism and fascism.  Apparently he can’t find much written about it. Could that be because his research is internet based and that the award was given, er, before the internet. He has rightly guessed he will be going to hell.

The award was widely reported and in the News of the World, but this was pre-internet Mr. Boru? Nor
was Maurice Ludmer a lifelong communist. He resigned from the party in a well publicised row. The
only point he got right was Point No.1. 

He also seems surprised that among anti-fascists supporters are communists! Do you think we are in for a spell of ‘white power’ and ‘ commie bashing’.

The award was of course covered by the News of the World and several other newspapers, trade magazines, and political magazines of the day.

Considering the judges were the BBC’s ‘Age of Terror’  Peter Taylor, Jon Pilger, and the Editor of the naturally anti-fascist Labour Weekly, he may have trouble discrediting the award.

Goudie now spends a lot of his time throwing his mobile phones at Neung, and the television set.  Neung, who is very high maintenance, reciprocates. In a rage he has also destroyed his hi-tech office at the ‘Jaggie Thistle’.

The ‘Jaggie Thistle’ cannot be sold as the majority shareholder is his ‘ex’ called Nang who it is understood has been co-operating with Barbara Fanelli Miller, mother of Greg Miller. The ‘Jaggie’s’ doors have new locks, but in any case much of Goudie’s documentation, chanotes, etc., have been, er, impounded.

This all bodes badly for the other shareholders in the Bang Kao Bay Resort on Samui as charges may be put on the land, which he obtained from a Scots woman under unexplained circumstances, preventing any sales.
Goudie has recently been trying to move cash back to Scotland. Could he be going back to ‘Daddy’ in Galashiels? Or step mummy in Falkirk?

Ref:  ‘Today I will tell you about Maurice Ludmer’  Rather than muse over Goudie’s childish meanderings it would be better to read this from the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Maurice Ludmer was a brave man. I do not like even using Goudie’s name in the same sentence. Ludmer was called up in WWII and seconded to the War Graves Commission.

Ludmer, Maurice Julian (1926–1981), journalist and political activist, was born at 42 Hilton Street, Salford, on 7 August 1926, the son of Ben Ludmer, a self-employed hairdresser, and his wife, Becky, née Lazarus, a teacher of Hebrew. The family moved to Birmingham in 1939 where Maurice Ludmer attended Handsworth Technical College and fostered his lifelong passion for sport. He began to read avidly, joining the Left Book Club and starting to build his impressive collection of radical literature. He started an apprenticeship at the Austin Motor Works and joined the Young Communist League.

Called up for military service, Ludmer was seconded to the War Graves Commission in Europe. He visited the concentration camp at Belsen, an experience that set the tone for the rest of the twenty-year-old’s life; standing at the site of atrocities which had taken place in the heart of Europe, he pledged himself to work to ensure it would never happen again. After returning to England, he did several jobs before becoming quality controller in a Birmingham knitwear factory. He met Elizabeth (Liz) Nancy Miller (1929/30–2001), a fellow political activist, in 1954, and they married at Birmingham register office on 25 June 1956. She was the daughter of Harry May, a market trader; her previous marriage had been dissolved. They had four daughters and a son, who died young, and they brought up Liz’s son from a previous marriage.

Ludmer was an active Communist in the 1950s, campaigning in several local elections in Balsall Heath and working with local tenants’ associations. In the late 1950s, following the Notting Hill and Nottingham race riots, he became involved with activists from racial minorities who were concerned at the development of organized racism. Ludmer, Jagmohan Joshi of the Indian Workers’ Association, and others set up the first broadly based anti-racist campaign, the Co-ordinating Committee Against Racial Discrimination, which demonstrated against the first immigration control bill, passed in 1961, and in favour of legislation against racial discrimination. The need for active intervention on race issues was particularly evident in Birmingham, where immigration control committees were set up in Handsworth, West Bromwich, and Smethwick. The last became a byword for racism when the Conservative candidate won in the general election of 1964 after a blatantly racist (though unofficial) campaign which he refused to condemn. In looking back on that period Ludmer wrote, ‘When people ask “How did Hitler do it?” the answer is to look at Smethwick and the way people were swept up in a tide of carefully manipulated racial hatred’ (Searchlight).

The formation of the National Socialist Movement in 1962 was a harbinger of fascism’s new role as a mass movement; this was taken a step further with the founding of the National Front, in 1967. Ludmer became involved with Searchlight Associates, a body of individuals set up to provide journalists with research material on the extreme right. In the late 1960s he resigned from the Communist Party for its failure to respond sufficiently to working-class racism, and devoted increasing time to anti-racist activity. He became a hero of the Asian community in the midlands when he played a leading role in strikes at Mansfield Hosiery in Loughborough and Imperial Typewriters in Leicester, where National Front activists were promoting racial disunity among the workforce.

From 1973 Ludmer worked full time as a freelance journalist. He collaborated with Gerry Gable in 1974 to produce A Well Oiled Nazi Machine, a booklet exposing the nature of the National Front, the title taken from the words of one of the party’s leaders. He played a leading role in launching Searchlight magazine in 1975, and served first as managing editor then as full-time editor. The magazine became the culmination of his life’s work, crude early issues developing into an authoritative international monthly journal exposing the British far right and their links with terror networks abroad. Searchlight exposed the illegal and anti-social activities of leading fascists and, most importantly, the direct ideological links between the Nazis of the 1930s and the National Front who presented themselves as an anti-immigration pressure group. For years no fascist candidate could stand for election without Ludmer providing the media with material exposing their extremism or criminality.

Anti-fascist work, while never comfortable, became more dangerous as organized skinhead gangs were recruited to the ranks of the neo-Nazis. Ludmer often suffered attack and abuse but was never intimidated. In the late 1970s he helped to found the Anti-Nazi League, which introduced a generation of young people to anti-fascist activity. He masterminded the translation of a Jewish experience into a common British one. As the obituary in his own magazine stated, his commitment was not only that of a young Jew horrified by what had been done to his people, ‘for him racism was indivisible, and what had happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany could equally well happen to West Indians and Asians in post-war Britain’ (Searchlight). The fact that such a belief became the mainstream accepted wisdom with regard to Britain’s post-war fascist groups was due in no small measure to Ludmer. He suffered a stroke in February 1980 and returned to work after what was thought to be a full recovery, but had a heart attack and died at his home in Birmingham on 14 May 1981. He was buried in a Birmingham Jewish cemetery.

Jad Adams

The following letter was submitted to the subzerosiam forum by Gerry Gable, the Editor of ‘Searchlight’ following an enquiry from the administrator there.

Thank you for your enquiry.  Andrew Drummond was the recipient of the Maurice Ludmer Memorial Award. The award was created to celebrate Maurice Ludmer’s life and long struggle against fascism and racism. I attach a copy of the article in Searchlight at the time.

The award is not an annual award but it given in exceptional circumstances. As you can see it was given in recognition of Andrew Drummond’s courage and the risks he took in penetrating right wing groups both in Britain and on the continent.  It was also given because Andrew Drummond had persuaded the editor of the News of the World that the tropic was important to cover.

The award was extensively covered in the press at the time and of course also in the News of the World, but of course it was pre-internet and if your research is limited to the net you probably will not find much.

This by the way (this) was in the days when the News of the World was a broadsheet newspaper and had an impressive record in investigations and bore little resemblance to the News of the World tabloid newspaper which was finally shut down by Rupert Murdoch.

The designer of the Award was Dan Jones a well known British Artist. Dan is the son of Britain’s Leading Prosecutor at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials at the end of WW2.

I think there is one thing missing from our coverage of the event that is that Derek Jameson who was very senior at the News of the World* came along to the award ceremony and spoke well of Andrew and his work and about his own experiences at a East End youngster as a reporter just after the war when Mosley’s fascists tried to return to our streets and carried out terrible attacks on the Jewish Community including a attack on two 12 year olds that were left by a 30 strong mob who attacked them on their way home from a youth club and the community fought back.

So Derek saw in Andrew in that best tradition of resisting fascism at its most extreme.

I also knew Andrew during my eight years at London Weekend Television as a Investigative Reporter cover organised Crime and corrupt policing, we often worked well together.

Unlike what has followed after Murdoch took over, these were the Golden years of real hard nosed investigative journalism at the News of the World.

I would further say that if anybody is trying to lie and dispute Andrew’s honourable career in journalism I will denounce them publicly.


Gerry Gable MA (Crim) DU.niv
Editor Searchlight Magazine.

(literals corrected)
*Jameson was editor of the News of the World. Andy Bell, a friend, who was a journalist for ‘Searchlight’ and ‘Time Out’ went on to become the Editor of BBC Panorama and only recently retired from that job last year. 
About the Author

Andrew Drummond

Andrew Drummond is a British independent journalist and occasional television documentary maker. He is a former Fleet Street, London, journalist having worked at the Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, News of the World, Observer and The Times.

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