
Andrew Drummond



(Pic: ‘Oh sh@t! What have I done now?)

Just when you believed an American called Drew Noyes could not possibly plummet new depths in his battle against his many victims today we can reveal that the ‘sex movie’ man he allegedly exposed on a Google BlogSpot website was actually a children’s television producer.

And if I were ‘Miffy’ the rabbit star of a cartoon show I would unleash my own pet dog (Yes he has one. There he is on the left) on the  presumably rather worn crutch of this American, who faces charges of fraud and extortion in the Pattaya courts.

Yesterday we revealed how he accused British journalist Andrew Drummond of being a neo-Nazi on the run, but his accusations against a Dutch businessman are right up there alongside his fascist accusations.

This is what Drew Noyes announced on  in June. Not only had Dutchman Theo van der Schaaf, 65, been beaten up by a mamasan in Hua Hin, and fled Thailand, but he was also a sex movie producer in Amsterdam.  The company is called ‘Miff Pornographic Films, claimed Noyes, who describes himself as an expert on Thailand’s libel laws.

Associate Producer Theo van der Schaaf

Poor old Miffy the bunny rabbit billed above as suitable for even the youngest viewers. Did Drew Noyes think he was called ‘Muffy’? What has he done to deserve this.  And the so called mamasan that beat Theo up? Well that is a twisted version of a story given in confidence to a law firm Pappa Co. Ltd/One Stop Service Center.

Theo van der Schaff had foolishly employed the services of Drew Noyes and Wanrapa Boonsu, before Googling them. He had a problem with his Thai girlfriend, who was the owner of his house.

What Noyes wrote: The picture by the way is of Theo with his lawyer. 60 charges?

Yes, she could be volatile and there had been incidents, but nevertheless he wanted his house back and do right by her too, so he instructed Noyes to offer her 2.5 million Thai baht which he had sent by bank transfer.  Noyes charged 440,000 baht for this service.

Drew Noyes

His company screwed up everything leaving van der Schaff in a worse relationship with his ‘ex’ than ever. She even called Hua Hin police on Noyes’ team who had guaranteed discretion and tact.

Meanwhile Drew Noyes stands accused of pocketing the 2.5 million Thai baht.

Theo never fled Thailand. He only lives here a few months every year. But he does have the means to come back whenever he wants – hence a fraud charge against Drew Noyes, Wanrapa Boonsu and the company Pappa will not be going away, no matter how many postponements.

Said Theo from Alsmeer in Holland: “This guy is unbelievable”.  Well there’s an understatement.

About the Author

Andrew Drummond

Andrew Drummond is a British independent journalist and occasional television documentary maker. He is a former Fleet Street, London, journalist having worked at the Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, News of the World, Observer and The Times.

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