
Andrew Drummond

Getting down and dirty? – The Department of Corrections and the Russians


Flying Sporran’s Midweek Diary

A Russian tour agency based in Pattaya has apparently got together with the Department of Corrections and is charging punters considerable sums of money to watch prisoners fight each other in jail.

Under the slogan ‘Fight for Freedom’ they are advertising packaged excursions not only to see Muay Thai (Thai kick boxing) and international standard boxing,  but apparently to salivate the pallets of their clientele  have also added bare-knuckle boxing and blindfold boxing.

The bare-knuckle boxing is Burmese lethwei, a bit like Thai kick boxing. But even Burmese officials have insisted on gloves for quite some time.

The corny video advert from Paragon Travel, the Russian agency in Pattaya, which accompanies the internet promotion starts with this:

“Where no white man has gone before – to a real Thai prison among 6,000 prisoners, each of them sentenced to  terms of 20 to 100 years.

“Prison fights. For the first time inmates will fight European boxers. Only a true champion will win his way to freedom.  Prison fights! The goal is FREEDOM! “

The blurb goes on: “The main star of event is prisoner named Sirimongol Singwangcha – he has won world title in two weight divisions. His current career record is 71-2 (and 41 with KO).

“Prisoners fight their way to freedom. Three of them already received it, will anybody repeat their triumph? “

What!  A man serving at least 20 years has been released for winning a fight? Does he get more points if he stabs his assailant to death?

Just joking!

But some mistake surely? Where no white man has ever been?  Good heavens during the last World Cup could not Thai prisons rustle together a few international teams.

All these fights are taking place in Thailand’s jails and where women are requested to close their knees and mobile phones are banned, just in case, I guess, visitors order up their next ‘ya baa’ shipment.

What on earth is happening in Thailand?  Is the Department of Corrections now chasing the tourist buck?  I know people can get remission for good behaviour but this sounds a bit unfair to all the prisoners who cannot pound their colleagues to death.

Bare knuckle boxing originated in Britain. But Britain has the Marquess of Queensbury rules and he insisted on gloves, as do of course the London Prize Ring Rules.

By this century illegal bare knuckle boxing fights were being associated with the London underworld and have continued to do so until this day, though Irish gypsies stage these fights regularly.

Sometimes they come together as in “Snatch” with Brad Pitt playing the unintelligible gypsy!

Is there something someone is not telling us?

Above – It is said that the inhabitants of Inverness and Dublin speak the clearest English in the British Isles. Brad Pitt speaking Irish travellers’ English would require some concentrated attention from English scholars in Thailand I suspect. I have problems enough with the sarf London boys.

Paragon Travel Fight Website – It is based in Russia but don’t request the latest recordings of the Red Army Choir.
Whoops! This just in from Paragon. I guess a few right minded people must have had second thoughts.

Hi, we will not arrange prison fight in the future. Kindly regards, Anastasia (Ms)Manager

About the Author

Andrew Drummond

Andrew Drummond is a British independent journalist and occasional television documentary maker. He is a former Fleet Street, London, journalist having worked at the Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, News of the World, Observer and The Times.

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