Balloons On Bangkok's Sky Train – The Sequel
Flying Sporran’s Bangkok Diary June 7 2012.

Good heavens what is this I see before me? – balloons on the sky train bobbing along behind a group of Thais at Ekamai BTS station. Are they trying to sneak on to do battle with the train system’s notorious security guards.
No, thank god. She was blissfully aware of an incident earlier this year when an Irish teacher took a thorough beating requiring hospital treatment, after becoming angry when he was told to hand over the balloons he was carrying for his six year old daughter.
In this recent case security guards leapt into action after they saw the photographer snapping away at the lady who incidentally was carrying gas filled balloons. The photographer says she would have got through had he not been so enthusiastic to record the scene.
She apparently did raise her voice and was certainly miffed. But thankfully she did not kick a rubbish bin.
A reader sent me this picture presumably to remind people what they can not do on Bangkok’s sky train.
I guess it can also serve as a guide as to what and who guards can attack.
So they can go for roller skates, hamburgers and drinks, Scottish terriers, unaccompanied bicycles and balloons, people throwing confetti, arsonists, smokers, men sitting down to masterbate, Chinese coolies and or judges, photographers (poster take note) and men carrying their wives’ shopping bags.
Well that’s not bad for starters. Anybody spotted anything else one cannot do on the sky train?