
Andrew Drummond

ALL READERS! – Update to

This site takes a new more streamlined look today. Not many startling changes but we have moved server and are gearing up.  Coming soon will be some new additions – like ‘Flying Sporran’s’ ‘The List’ and ‘Gang Warily’ – a new Due Diligence service we are in the process of setting up to keep the uninitiated out of trouble in Thailand.

Welcome to the new and slightly revamped website. We are heading now to hopefully break even within a few months so at last we are getting our advertising sorted. To be quite frank nobody was dealing with it before. We’ve created two new half banners at the top and can do the bottom either as a full banner, or two half banners too. All banners rotate – to a maximum of three in one spot. Another coming new addition will be ‘Flying Sporran’s’  – ‘The List’. Got bored of reading glossie magazines and their fawning revues of
hotels, bars and restaurants.  We’ll we hope to be taking you around Thailand and Asia and the region’s best, but not necessarily expensive hotels, B & Bs, pubs, clubs, etc., through the eyes of Flying Sporran himself, and hopefully a wide range of journalists from the region itself.  Expect some ripping yarns. You won’t see reviews like this anywhere else.

To get on the list obviously an establishment has to have a special quality. It does not even have to be expensive – even Bangkok’s ‘Cheap Charlies’ outside bar might make it even though with time of course he is’nt so cheap any more.

The site is becoming more and more popular and with an intelligent readership. It’s widely read by journalists in Bangkok and of course diplomats and local businessmen, and convicts too apparently so you’re in good company, and it has continuously month on month attracted more readers.

So if you want to support the Flying Sporran and have an honest business to advertise get in touch. We hope the prices are low but,
like everything I guess, we can discount on bulk! Oh and finally – the comments section has changed. We have paragraphs!

UPDATE – 5/5/2555!

The site is still being worked on but most functionality is there now. A new feature is being introduced – User registration. This is a requirement in the future for commenting on the site. The reasons for doing it are mainly – Building a community, keeping members up to date with the latest news and information and cutting down on spamming or trolling comments.

What do you think? Your feedback is much appreciated.

About the Author

Andrew Drummond

Andrew Drummond is a British independent journalist and occasional television documentary maker. He is a former Fleet Street, London, journalist having worked at the Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, News of the World, Observer and The Times.

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