Original version read 1,870 times – A Flying Sporran EnquiryFrom ANDREW DRUMMOND,BangkokOctober 11 2011Drew Noyes & Thai Immigration & Labour Law Part 1 Two Filipina girls hired by self-proclaimed ‘newspaper publisher, philanthropist, and legal expert’ in Thailand have broken their silence on their ordeal after fleeing their jobs all but penniless after just four weeks. […]
Irish Father Told to Stay In Hiding For Another Year In Phuket House Scam Enquiry
From ANDREW DRUMMONDBangkokSunday October 9 2011An Irish father and his two young children have been told to stay in hiding for least another year in Thailand as investigations continue into corruption allegations involving police on the holiday island of Phuket. Colin Vard, 57, cousin of the famous Irish singing trio The Vard Sisters, and himself a former […]
Read All About It – The Great Thai Newspaper Fraud
FROM ANDREW DRUMMOND Bangkok, October 5 2011 A reader has just sent me the link to ‘Media in Thailand’ – a summary of the Fourth Estate here by Wikipedia. This review had me chuckling not least because of its entry about the Pattaya Times – slogan ‘News you can use!’. In its initial blurb about newspapers it mentioned the […]
A Flying Sporran Enquiry From ANDREW DRUMMOND Jomtien, October 3 2011 Housing built for Thailand’s poor has been bought cynically off the books of the National Housing Authority and is being marketed – by an American ‘businessman’ with a dubious past – to foreign tourists and expatriates. And in verified cases the cash invested was not passed […]
Nazi Schoolgirls Start A Heil Storm In Thailand
From ANDREW DRUMMOND, BangkokSeptember 26 2011Daily Mail Students in a school in the northern Thai capital of Chiang Mai thought they would give their teachers and parents a surprise on their Summer Sports Day.They kept their secret under wraps until the day was upon them and then with flourish and a fanfare they arrived to […]
Simon Wiesenthal Center Calls on Thai Christian Leaders to Condemn School Nazi Parade
Ref: Nazi schoolgirls start a Heil storm in ThailandStatement of the Simon Wiesenthal Center – 27-9-2011 The Simon Wiesenthal Center is calling on Thailand’s Christian leaders to condemn a Nazi parade at the Sacred Heart Preparatory School in Chiang Mai led by students who participated in a Nazi parade replete with Seig Heil salutes. “The Simon Wiesenthal […]
Cyber Attack On Andrew Drummond
From ANDREW DRUMMOND Bangkok, September 27 2011 A fake Facebook created with the name Andrew Drummond and loaded with highly inflammatory marks which would automatically be ruled as lese majeste in Thailand, was last night detected, and reported to the Thai authorities. The false Facebook page came on line earlier the day. I was alerted […]
Road Rage Singapore Style -RBS Executive With Bentley Smashes Mercedes With Fist
A top ranking executive of the Royal Bank of Scotland was described as an ‘arrogant bully’ today after he got out of his top of the line Bentley Sports to smash and break the windscreen of a Mercedes with his bare fists.RBS’s head of EM, Credit Structuring and Repacking Asia Pacific was today accused of terrorising […]
US Charity Withdraws Charter For Its Thailand Branch – Outlook Pessimistic
From ANDREW DRUMMOND, BANGKOKSeptember 21 2011 It is with deep regret that I have to announce that the Optimist Club of Thailand, has deceased, kicked the bucket, gone to meet its maker, shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the choir, and is pushing up the daisies..etc.. Formed in 2008 by […]
Son Of London Deputy Mayor Dies After Full Moon Party
From ANDREW DRUMMONDBangkok, September 17 2011Koh Phangan Pictures: Philip BlenkinsopFor Mail on Sunday The 28-year-old son of the Deputy Major of London has collapsed and died in a £12 a night guest house after attending a wild ‘Full Moon Party’ on the Thai island of Koh Phangan.Police said here today that Andrew John Lister, 28, son […]