
Andrew Drummond

Flying Sporran Attacked Before His First Investigation

Breaking News: Flying Sporran attacked – see below

Starting this week investigations on this website will go out under the ‘Flying Sporran’ banner. Anyone who has travelled the road from Fort Augustus on Loch Ness in Invernessshire towards Auchterawe and the vitrified fort will know all too well the dangers of flying sporrans from the local ceilidhs.

Usually in this area the sporrans flying about are Frasers, Camerons, Grants and MacDonalds but the one depicted above was a flying ‘Drummond of Perth’ sporran captured near Culloden Moor, Inverness, where the Earl of Perth conducted the last stand of the Jacobites against ‘Butcher Cumberland’…and lost.

Meanwhile our campaign highlighting the activities of a publisher in Pattaya is being put on hold to allow a more varied selection of material up on this site….the only proviso being….unless.

This is also because a video has now been put up on Youtube by Pattayascammers  featuring the publisher singing ‘Come Fly With Me’

Obviously some effort has been made into putting this film-cartoon together and while it is not my production, and not a road I might have taken, it appears to have drawn heavily from many stories here.

So now there is a surfeit of stories out there.

Flying Sporran Illustration: Colin Cotterill

Screen grabs: pattayascams


Crime-writer and cartoonist Colin Cotterill who drew the ‘Flying Sporran’ illustration appears to have been the subject of an attack from the Tennessee ‘G-Mail kid’.

Last night he appeared to be the victim of one of Drew Noyes’ flying emails and accused of being a ‘criminal’ for assisting this site.

I cannot confirm that this email is actually from Noyes because he is now writing from ‘’. But the tone and language is much the same. And if someone has tried to emulate him he has got it picture perfect.

The writer says he has Colin’s photo and for ‘joining him (Andrew Drummond) in his internet campaign he will be contacted shortly. Not only would he pursue Colin legally but also would do ‘what any Thai would do in the situation when we see you.

What? Shake his hand?

I have known Colin for, well yonks. He of course has nothing to do with the content of this site. He just kindly drew a flying sporran at my request.

Colin speaks fluent Thai and Laos and is an award winning crime writer and cartoonist. His homepage is here and there is some more bio here.

We first met in Phuket where he played a prominent part in the fight against child sexual abuse in Thailand.

I did not see why he should be harrassed so I asked him if I should take down his name.

He replied: “No. Never heard of him. Keep the name up!”

WANTED: Lots of wee flying sporrans in Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Isaan, Koh Samui, everywhere.

About the Author

Andrew Drummond

Andrew Drummond is a British independent journalist and occasional television documentary maker. He is a former Fleet Street, London, journalist having worked at the Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, News of the World, Observer and The Times.

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