
Andrew Drummond

Child Sex Fiction Man Cannot Be Punished For His Thoughts

Bangkok, November 30 2011

By day he teaches youngsters at a school in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  But when he is off duty, people believe, he writes in to a website dedicated to stories of sexual abuse of children as young as 6-yrs-old.

But this week the teacher, an elderly Briton, claimed his identity had been stolen, thus by default it was not him who had written to a Lolita website where contributors supply lurid tales of child sexual abuse for the titillation of perverts.

“This started two years ago,” he said. “Somebody copied my email and he has been pretending to me ever since.”

I cannot reveal his identity because many people in Phnom Penh, including teachers themselves, refuse to believe his claims.

Nor would he volunteer any more.

The latest controversy in Phnom Penh began when a ‘ teacher’ called Bill wrote in to the Khmer 440 website to say he was fired without reason from a local international school where he had been paid just US$800 for a month’s work.

However when ‘Bill’s’ email was checked it tallied with the someone called ‘Billy’ who was regularly contributing to a website dedicated to stories of sex with young children.

‘Billy’  had commented on stories such as: ‘Deflowering Aspen’, ‘Little Girl Amanda’ and ‘How I became and active paedophile’.

‘Deflowering Aspen’ is a story about a father who watches as a 13-yr-old boy he abuses having sex with his six year told daughter, Haley.

At the end of that story he commented: ‘Lovely so far. Ideas. Haley takes two twin brothers; Haley takes a white and black (or East Asian) boy at the same time. Haley takes father and son.  Haley takes a boy and his big dog’.

Billy also wrote to the same site asking for video scripts of Princess Anne, the Princess Royal, as a pre-treen with her grooms and Shetland pony and  even also separate requests for a pre-teen Angela Merkle, the German Chancellor and Chelsea Clinton. 

But when confronted on the Khmer 440 forum, ‘Bill dismissed criticisms writing:

 ‘Calm down.  Fiction is fiction, not reality.’

‘Vladimir Nabokov (the author of Lolita) was not hauled off by the FBI for writing about the delectable Dolores was he?’

Children are particularly vulnerable to predators in Cambodia, but this village which offered pre-teens for sex was closed down by the government


He said he was an ‘occasional writer of fiction’.  ‘I have never been convicted of any crime worse than being arrested on demonstrations’.  

When I contacted the teacher using the same name and email as ‘Bill’ he would not answer specifically to the question: ‘But was this post to Khmer 440 yours?’ 

He repeated. ‘All I can say is that my email has been copied by someone else’.

Teachers on the web Cambodian forum  are not convinced. They say he is one and the same and he should be arrested or at least kicked out of Cambodia.

Wrote one:  ‘No parents in their right minds would have you near their child, regardless of whether or not you yourself actually act as a paedophile, physically, psychologically and emotionally abusing them.

‘You are sick in the head and if you don’t get run out of Cambodia I’ll do it myself. Please let me know if you are still there in a month’s time. I’ll have no issue with taking action against you.’

Said the forum administrator.  “We have reported the matter to police. They say there is nothing they can do.

“So there it ends. Let’s just hope he doesn’t offend over here, but if he does, at least our hands are clean.”

But there is no evidence this man has acted out any child sex fantasies. And the time has not yet come when people can be prosecuted for their thoughts.

It is not, however, not without reason that expats in Phnom Penh are on the alert and want to push for prosecution of abusers.

Earlier this month a convicted British child abuser, who fled a bail hostel in Britain in 2004 after being sentenced to two years nine months for gross indecency with young boys,  was arrested for allegedly sexually abusing six boys in the Cambodian capital.

Paul Bower, 46, from Ilkeston, Derby, had got a job with Cambodian air traffic control, teaching them presumably how to direct aircraft lining up for arriving at Pochentong airport in English.

But off duty Bower, a former special constable, was allegedly lining up and abusing boys whom he had found in the Wat Prasath area of Phnom Penh.

Incredibly he had already been put on trial in Phnom Penh in 2007 and acquitted of child sexual abuse with two under aged boys after they withdrew their evidence.

For all the efforts of CEOP to track down paedophiles in Phnom Penh the British government was severely criticised for not actually doing something like extraditing the ones they must have known about.

After Bower’s arrest this month ECPAT issued a reminder of a statement the organisation had issued in September 2007 when they wrote to the British Home Office warning of the ‘unacceptable risk to children’ that Bower posed.

Their letter stated: ‘It is quite frankly an embarrassment that at a time when the Cambodian authorities are becoming more effective at prosecuting sex offenders that it remains the fault of the British authorities to not have adequate systems in place to protect vulnerable children.’

So Bower has been wandering Cambodia for seven years some of them under CEOPs gaze.

They have claimed that nowhere in the world is safe for child abusers.

But Bower was not caught in the net of ‘Operation Relentless Pursuit’ carried out with the local ngo APLE.

About the Author

Andrew Drummond

Andrew Drummond is a British independent journalist and occasional television documentary maker. He is a former Fleet Street, London, journalist having worked at the Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, News of the World, Observer and The Times.

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