Cyber Attack On Andrew Drummond

Bangkok, September 27 2011
A fake Facebook created with the name Andrew Drummond and loaded with highly inflammatory marks which would automatically be ruled as lese majeste in Thailand, was last night detected, and reported to the Thai authorities.
The false Facebook page came on line earlier the day. I was alerted to it by a British Embassy consular official.
The Department of Special Investigation and Cyber Crimes Unit of the Royal Thai Police were immediately also alerted both by phone and email, so they could monitor the site.
The phony ‘Andrew Drummond’ described as a freelance journalist in Bangkok made more than 30 friends during the short life-time of the page.

Above – edited version of the fake site
He used English slang during the course of his posts. In one post he referred to a policeman ‘crying his tits off’.
Other posts included insults to Thai women and references to anal sex.
Many thanks to the consular official who alerted me and to others who picked up on this too during the evening.
More information coming in today, seems actually he has been operating for a while but only put up the lese majeste yesterday.
Meanwhile he has been more ‘making friends’ and insulting them in my name. Don’t think many were convinced.
A report has been filed to Facebook and a formal complaint filed with the Crime Suppression Divisions High Tech Department (Cyber Police) but the actual machinations of getting the blog removed are beginning to become a story in itself.
Meanwhile if anybody of my Facebook friends get message referring among other things to ‘anal sex’ they are of course not from me.
I also hear that Embassies in Bangkok are now recommending their staff to get off Facebook.
The other Andrew Drummond the ‘ free lance writer who lives in ‘ Bankok’ is now sending me abusive messages.
Finally: 3:29 on 29-9-2011
“Thanks for your recent report of a potential violation on Facebook. After reviewing your report, we have removed the profile you reported. Please note that we may restore it if the user provides us with necessary identification.
As a community of friends, Facebook relies on members to help create a safe place where people represent themselves accurately. Thanks for taking the time to help us improve Facebook.”