
Andrew Drummond


The Thai Spy In Cambodia – The Real Scandal

I have been following the Thai ‘non spy’ in Cambodia affair with interest.  In fact I am as usual having a problem reading the newspapers with a straight face. Seems nobody in Thailand has done any real reporting on this case at all, or perhaps I have missed it. Certainly there is so much missing […]

Disabled Brits Face 'Girlfriend' Deprivation – Pattaya

In the spirit of ‘well just fancy that’ comes the news that some of us poor Brits living over here in Thailand are panicking a bit because those who distribute social security payments back home are blocking payments to people essentially living overseas. So step-forward the Pattaya Brits who find that even a half-good disability […]

A Bad Dancer Always Has Trouble With His Balls – Pattaya

Pattaya’s infamously dead pan local media, which faithfully follows their local police,  have been slavishly reporting, the recent arrest of 11 Russian prostitutes in the B52 club complex in, according to the Pattaya Daily News,  ‘Pattaya’s infamous Walking Street’. The raids conducted by Chonburi Superintendent, Pol. Col. Worawit Waitanormjit,  if your read the PDN, or  […]

Brit Island Drug Rape Case Returns Thailand To Give Evidence

A Briton, who fled Thailand with his girlfriend after they believe they were seriously sexually abused after being drugged on a holiday island, has returned to complete his evidence for Thai police. Police in Koh Chang, 250 miles south east of Bangkok, said today they had now taken a statement from the man, known only […]

Journalism And Yak Fur

Today I hand over this blog to a missive from Roger Beaumont , my ‘hail fellow well met’ public school rebel friend, who used to work on the ‘Nation’ but left when the editors decided they could produce an English language newspaper with a designer from Milwaukee and without too many troublesome English language sub-editors […]

Brits In Thai Island Drug Rape Pin Their Hopes On Scotland Yard

From Andrew Drummond, Koh Chang, Thailand Link Evening Standard  The SUN Scotland Yard confirmed today that they have conducted tests on a British couple who say they were subjected to a horrifying gang rape in Thailand and planned to co-operate with a Thai police investigation into the incident. The couple who fled back to London […]

Fisherman Jailed For Murder Of British Yachtsman – Thailand

Link to Sky News today  Sunday MirrorBackground Links: The Times, Daily MailFrom Andrew Drummond, Bangkok, Saturday November 28 2009Pictures: Andrew Chant Two young Burmese fishermen have been sentenced to 25 years in prison each for the murder of 64-yr-old British yachtsman Malcolm Robertson off the coast of Thailand earlier this year.At statement from the British […]

British Couple Subject To Clockwork Orange Sex Style Attack

Link to DailyMail Link New York Daily NewsBy Andrew DrummondLast updated at 12:38 AM on 28th November 2009A British couple have become victims of a horrendous Clockwork Orange-style sex attack ordeal while on holiday in Thailand.The professional couple had chosen the Thai holiday island of Koh Chang to round off a memorable one-year sabbatical from their […]

British Woman Raped In Pattaya – Part 2

Following a report here (written from Thai copy sent by our reporter in Pattaya) also sent to the British newspapers, some people down in Pattaya seem surprised that this event was not reported in the local newspapers, though I believe it has been now.   A thread even went up on I never seem […]

Seeing Me, Seeing You! Foreign Film Crews In Pattaya

This is a blog onlyThe inevitable has happened. Well I guess it had to sometime.The resort of Pattaya has always been an attraction to foreign film crews. They have to be sneaky. It’s a dangerous occupation down there, and as I think I mentioned before, pointing a camera in a wrong direction, particularly at a […]